Is it normal to find libertarians annoying?
(Please note, this mostly just applies to American libertarians)
Libertarians annoy the shit out of me. They apparently realize that the govt. is a sham, but have no problem in giving corporations (who have been complicit in many of the government's dastardly schemes) a pass. They think that everyone who uses assistance of some kind is a parasitic 'well-fare queen' and if they were living in the Gilded Age, they would be among the numbers of wealthy capitalists using Malthusian concepts to justify harsh treatment of the proletariat (the upper-classes in this period claimed that 'indolence' was the cause of the workers' poverty and that if they worked for maybe longer than 15 hrs a day from the age of 3 to 103, maybe they would also enjoy a bit of success), assuming that they wouldn't be the ones getting exploited.
I'm also not a big fan of the fact that they seem to think that nature and the environment are simply piggy-banks and repositories of raw goods that can be snatched up by the unassailable, incorruptible 'free-market' and repackaged for mass consumption. When I find a way to package the world's supply of air and I've found a way to claim the world's water supply, I want to see libertarians try and do something about it without violating my property rights or going against the Non Aggression Principle.