Is it normal to find libertarians annoying?

(Please note, this mostly just applies to American libertarians)

Libertarians annoy the shit out of me. They apparently realize that the govt. is a sham, but have no problem in giving corporations (who have been complicit in many of the government's dastardly schemes) a pass. They think that everyone who uses assistance of some kind is a parasitic 'well-fare queen' and if they were living in the Gilded Age, they would be among the numbers of wealthy capitalists using Malthusian concepts to justify harsh treatment of the proletariat (the upper-classes in this period claimed that 'indolence' was the cause of the workers' poverty and that if they worked for maybe longer than 15 hrs a day from the age of 3 to 103, maybe they would also enjoy a bit of success), assuming that they wouldn't be the ones getting exploited.

I'm also not a big fan of the fact that they seem to think that nature and the environment are simply piggy-banks and repositories of raw goods that can be snatched up by the unassailable, incorruptible 'free-market' and repackaged for mass consumption. When I find a way to package the world's supply of air and I've found a way to claim the world's water supply, I want to see libertarians try and do something about it without violating my property rights or going against the Non Aggression Principle.

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70% Normal
Based on 23 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • ArayaLioness

    To find EVERY SINGLE ONE annoying? I don't think it has anything to do with normal, but everything to do with a lack of common sense. It's a generalization.

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    • "(Please note, this mostly just has to do with American libertarians)"

      Yup, I sure do hate "EVERY SINGLE ONE".

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      • ArayaLioness

        I repeat: EVERY SINGLE ONE? To be annoyed by EVERY SINGLE American Libertarian is as nonsensical as me being annoyed by every single French male.

        Firstly, because I haven't met every single one of them.

        Secondly, because common sense dictates that not all of them are the same and will not share the same annoying traits.

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        • It might be a 'generalization,' but it's one that has practicality. Spiders might not *all* have the same traits (and I haven't met every single one OMG), but I still find them nasty despite all of this (in general). Also, I had no idea that people (unlike the French and/or males) were born libertarians. Thank you for enlightening me.

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          • ArayaLioness

            You're either truly clueless or pulling my There is no practicality within it due to spiders and people being vastly different. Spiders usually act the same way. People don't. Also, if you're being serious though I find it quite unfortunate that this must be said, people aren't born with beliefs. I think you may simply dislike certain characteristics OF what many American Libertarians may display. That's fine. But to dislike them as a whole is still a bit silly to me (as is this argument since it's going nowhere). We disagree.

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            • Fair enough. I apologize if I was so blinded by self-righteous asshattery that I straw-manned an entire demographic and pissed you or anyone else off in the process with my obtuse responses.

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      • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

        How do you know you hate me, if we have not met?

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        • The part I detest about you is your ideology. That is only part of your person.

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  • I am now wondering what exactly being libertarian means.

    I don't affiliate myself with any political group, but I thought my opinions are closer to libertarian than any other existing political group.

    I do care about the environment more than most things, because it is important for the wellbeing of everyone.

    To best describe my political opinions I am for small government and maximum freedom. The government shouldn't interfere with citizens as long as they aren't causing problems for each other such as theft or assault.
    I thought libertarians had similar opinions.

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  • Libertarians: plotting to slowly but surely conquer the entire planet and then leave you alone.

    And no true libertarian would tolerate exploitation of either the environment nor of the lower class; we believe in the freedom for one to do as they wish, but certainly not if they're hurting anyone - that's the basic definition of libertarianism.

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  • Notnomall

    I don't know if I'm the kind of libertarian you are talking about, but I'd say I'm more neoindividualist, although if I had to pick a party it would be theirs. I'm only slightly to the right in economic terms, but I am liberal as all hell socially. Except when the 'inequality' mess starts to encroach on other people's rights in business. I personally have issues with what I see as 'artificial diversity and/or homogeny'. The democratic party here in America seems like the same authoritarianism that republicans have, just with different ideas about it. Maybe more libertarians are like what you say, but that seems like a political cariciture to me since crazies like Ron Paul are the only ones that the public sees and as a minority political group they get autohated.

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    • If it's any consolation, I don't care for either of the parties neither. The dems can be pretty nasty at times (Clinton's bombing of a Sudanese medicine factory and his sanctions which starved millions come to mind), only, unlike republicans, democrats affect a sympathy for the poor and keep people complacent by tossing a bone to the populace now and again in the form of largely weak and ineffective govt. assistance. At least, that's my impression of them.

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  • Mytwin295

    Am I the only one who read libertarians as librarians? Hating all librarians would make so much more sense...

    You're argument is invalid because your assumptions are stereotypes of the libertarians that you have met. You can't possibly know that each and every single one has the exact same view.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im thankin yall got libertarians and anarchists cornfused

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    • No - anarchists tend to have much more of an environmental bent to them, unlike American libertarians (sometimes referred to, though, as "Anarcho-capitalists (AnCaps)"). Also noticeable is the general anti-corporate flavor of anarchy (or "anarchism" as it is sometimes referred to).

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  • RoseIsabella

    Am I the only one that read the word libertarian as librarian on this one?

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    • Happens all the time. Damn those anti-statist librarians!

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  • seekelp

    "They apparently realize that the govt. is a sham, but have no problem in giving corporations (who have been complicit in many of the government's dastardly schemes) a pass."

    I'm not a libertarian, but one would argue that the reason the modern international corporation does what it does is because its enabled by governments. Monopolies granted by a government would be an example of this. They'd probably argue that even programs like food stamps subsidize poor treatment of corporations' employees: for example, virtually all wal-mart employees are on that program.

    I'm not entirely convinced by what they say, but it is worth considering.

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    • That, or the poor treatment by corporations necessitates govt. or state assistance. Even before the creation of the so-called "modern well-fare state" corporations were abusing their workers.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Karl Marx, I presume?

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    • Engels and I were cryogenically frozen for this exact purpose. Today, IIN; tomorrow, the world! (and maybe Mars, as well).

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