Iin: to get a headache everyday

For the longest time I’ve been having horrible headache right above my eyebrow and it hurts to move my head even. Most times I have to go to sleep to make it go away. Well my doctor diagnosed me with chronic migraines and gave me medicine to take. Well that worked for a little bit. I went back and she put me on a small dosage blood pressure pill to help open the blood vessels in my head. That helps for a little bit but now it’s starting to hurt again and I thought maybe it could be because I needed new glasses and I’ve had my glasses 2 months but it’s still occurring. I have a headache rn and it’s everyday and in the same spot everyday and I don’t know what to do anymore.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • I won’t have one for a while then get one that lasts daysss which is happening now. My eye sight is 20/20 but I’ve heard since I got blue eyes they are more sensitive to light and that could be a thing. Only way to get mine away is sleeping too I haven’t seen a doctor for it tho I sometimes wonder if I should cause holy annoying. If you figure it out spread them secrets.

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    • There’s special glasses that block blue light rays which can causes headaches and restlessness. You can get them cheap on Amazon.

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      • Boojum

        I spend a lot of time looking at computer monitors. I never got headaches, but I did get eyestrain. I need low-strength reading glasses and I happened to come across some of the glasses you mention on Amazon, and bought three pair for something like $10.

        It sounded a bit woo-woo to me and the yellow tint of the glasses is so subtle that I was sceptical, but they do make a big difference.

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        • They really do make a difference, especially for my headaches. I feel like my vision has made a slight improvement as well.

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      • Thanks I’ll look into it.

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  • Do you look at s computer screen throughout the day? That was a trigger for my chronic headache.

    Others “minor” causes: not enough sleep, not drinking a lot of water, maybe a dental problem.

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    • normalornaw

      I don’t look at computers, I work in a store most days, I hope it’s just a minor cause tho

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      • Also, have you had any injuries around neck before?

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      • Dental problems may be more serious. I should have typed that out better, sorry!

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  • andrewwalker

    Many times headaches can be caused by a “trigger” (something specific that activates the headache such as skipping meals, hormonal changes during your period, getting too much sleep or not enough sleep, being dehydrated, and/or stressed).

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  • Between the ages of 16 and 29 I had a headache almost every day. I would take aspirin to the point where my blood became too thin.

    I lived in miami and new orleans during this time which are very humid environments and I'm sure that and my nasal allergies magnified my headaches. They were sometimes debilitating to the point where I would miss work and once was hospitalized for a 6 day long ocular migraine.

    After several doctor visits they finally deduced that I had not only a deviated septum but also enlarged turbinate bones and apparently my maxillary sinuses (the ones between and above your eyebrows) hadnt drained since I was a teen. I had trauma in that area from when I was 5 and my older brother pushed me into the kitchen floor and stomped on the back of my head.

    To correct it I simply had septoplasty and turbinate reduction, and they drained my maxillary sinuses using vacuum tubes. The difference was night and day and the first thing I said after I woke up from surgery is 'Where did my headache go?"

    I dont know why you are getting these headaches but hopefully its fixable with surgery like mine.

    I hope this helps.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe the recurrent headaches are due to sinus issues?

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  • ToffeeMe

    Why don't you try to have some Chiropractic Treatment? Would it be nice to check your spine as well, maybe some nerves aren't functioning well?

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  • jethro

    It has to be a brain tumah.

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  • Boojum

    Chronic pain of any sort truly sucks and it can make it impossible to enjoy life.

    I don't want to alarm you, but my late wife died of a brain tumour, and so that's what comes to my mind when someone talks about persistent, worsening headaches. The classic symptoms are waking up with a headache, the pain being so bad that it wakes you up in the night, and it not feeling like any headache you've ever had before. Have you had a scan to rule out a tumour?

    Less dramatically, my current wife gets intermittent, severe headaches in the same place as you describe due to sinus problems. I understand that it can be difficult for doctors to distinguish between sinus headaches and migraines because many of the symptoms are the same. Does taking a decongestant help at all?

    If what you have is indeed migraine, various things are known to trigger them, including (unfortunately) chocolate and alcohol. Estrogen is also known to make migraines more frequent and painful, so if you're a woman and on the contraceptive pill, that could possibly be something to look at.

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  • brutus

    Try the migraine abortive meds, the triptans, or ergotamine. See if these two make a dent in ur headache and report back.

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