Is it normal to get angry when people run into me step on my feet kick the bed

I need anger mgmt. Apparently I can't take a joke. My family my coworkers shove me out of the way because I don't move fast enough,several times a day. I try not to get mad but it happens several times a day.The one day they tripped me on purpose as a joke and I got hurt pretty bad. Sometimes they say they are sorry. Then like a half an hour later they keep kicking the bed or stomp on my toe .I finally lost it today after this guy at work made my starbucks and my lunch fall over because he was trying help me with my sense of humour.I sort of overreacted and got fired.:(I am making too much of it but it is like they see me a non person and I am tired of it.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    This may be a rather indelicate question, but how can your coworkers 'keep kicking the bed' when you are at work, unless you are a prostitute? They are pretty much the only workers I can think of that work in a bed.

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  • tinfoilhero

    people kick the bed and chair at home. People were kicking my chair and making me drop stuff on purpose at work too. I get teased constantly and I try to ignore it but I can't.

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  • Steve2!

    Why are you in bed at work? Unless you're a whore, then you should NOT be sleeping on the job, child.

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    • thegypsysailor

      Wow, what an original thought, stevie boy, you fucking cretin.

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      • Steve2!

        Oh sorry, you old stooge.

        Here's a more original thought. Maybe this person lives in a universe similar to ours, but all chairs are beds, and all beds are chairs. So their coworkers might actually be kicking their chair, which is actually a bed.

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