Is it normal to get annoyed at the self-righteous judgemental posters here?
You know the ones - always trotting out their little lectures.
Ask Your Question today
You know the ones - always trotting out their little lectures.
People confuse their own preferences with real right/wrong. It's really hard for the average person to be objective.
You bring up Good points about dappled. But they're irrelevant.
Dappled was the type of poster who would never go against popular Opinion but in gaining the love of this generation he forfeited the immortality that is reserved for extremists, Radicals, and trolls.
Because in the end all of today's "heroes" were despised in their own day. Jesus Christ, Adolf Hitler, Ghandi; all were labeled "Trolls" and extremists.
But by sacrificing Popularity they gained the ends of it.
Apologies. < Sarcasm.
It's part of what the site is for. Nobody is asking you to read them.
I am probably one of these people you see as annoying, self-righteous, judgemental posters. But what's even more annoying is when someone is complaining about such people when they don't have to read it.
If you don't like the subject, the person, or what's being said, then remove your eyes from the discussion, it's that simple.
Yeah but despite being "annoying, self-righteous, etc." (which is all subjective, anyway) you put the effort into your comments to present a viewpoint and support it.
If people aren't content with that, and can't give the same in return, what's the point in even sharing?
I probably am to.
The real problem in my opinion is that... some people use this site *NOT* to ask if something's normal... but to attempt to justify their own bad behavior.
For example I just read a story where a girl's trying to complain about her dad punishing her and how she's over 18. Yet from her own statements on what she did... she was acting more like a 5 year old than an 18 year old.
So, we're suppose to agree with her... why?
It's OK to tell someone something they don't want to hear. This site is "is it normal", not "agree with me!"
Hey, just to clear this up right now. You are one of my FAVORITE posters here and the way you handle idiots is epic. I am not referring to you at all :)
Not going to lie, I thought this would of been specificly directed to me for the few debates I've been having recently.
All in all, I still think the best way to avoid people like these are to not intentionally read comments by such people or go on stories and polls that are bound to do such things.
I am a bit of a self righteous and judgemental person, and I can understand why people would see me as such. But I still think it's the person's choice to read such things those people give out on this site.
There are quite a few I see as annoing, self-righteous, judgmental people, but I still think that if it's something they strongly believe, they have the right to speak about it. Only when they start avoiding facts, and avoid answering questions in which would prove they're wrong do I think they need to stop starting things they aren't willing to finnish just because certain things come up.
Thanks for the favourite comment.
That's cool :)
I love hearing different opinions and am fond of debate myself. No problems with that.
My issue is with people who call people sick or perverted for the most ordinary foibles. Just because it's something they personally would not do. Or because someone chose a different way of life to them and they do not approve of this, rendering them unable to give an objective reply. I am not saying they have to agree or anything like that. I love a spirited debate.
Answerers on this thread have also assumed I refer to long posts, when this is not, in fact, the case at all. I suppose that's my own fault as people see "lecture" as "lengthy" when in fact I meant it as the dictionary version "formal reproof" not a long discourse.
You do realise this forum is where people ask questions and others give opinions?
I've been a bit tired of the more recent rash of unbelievably sexist polls as of late. It's like IIN is becoming a "Misogynists are people, too" support group :/
Of course, on the flip-side of things, comments like this are probably equally grating to those I speak about, so... we all have our opinions. Best not to get too worked up about proclaiming them loudly, but everyone does every now and then. I think it's just human nature.
I take full responsibility to the ones you're saying are "sexist". It's not sexist to fight for men's rights, which is what I do. Mentioning flaws in which the female have in society and mentioning how they should have more responsibility for their own body isn't sexist.
What I do when people see me as "sexist" towards women is either when I'm talking about the male gender having equal rights, or make women realize they're not really after equality, more so special treatment.
I make a lot of of stories that you might deem sexist, but the interesting part is that the voters, not the commenters, always agree with my posts. Makes me believe that there are a lot of people that think such a thing is correct, but don't like to comment. Perhaps these people don't like to comment, because as soon as one supports the male gender more than women, even though women get more support from most aspects in life, they are deemed sexist. So they're afraid to stand up for what they believe, and maybe how they actually feel depending on if they're male, because they'd get seen as sexist for doing so.
When women fight for their gender = Girl power, looking for equality.
When fight for their genbder = Sexist pig.
Now tell me, how is that not sexist in itself?
But tell me, what sexist posts are you specificly refering to? Because all of my ones have been about giving males the benefits females have in society.
Infact, when I argue on the case that men should have the same choice and equality as women should on certain aspects of life, atleast ten women come out and call "me" sexist for saying males should get an equal right.
Equality goes both ways, we "both" have to have each others benefits and negatives of equality. And so far, the female gender is only getting the good side of equality being fought for the. If anyone 'dares' to say "Well, hold on, if you want the rights men have, men have to have the rights you have, and women also have to have the negative sides of being a man if you're wanting equality" then the pitchforkes come out.
This isn't a mysoginist website, more like a misandry website.
Anyway, if incase it isn't my posts you're refering to, and they are infact sexism and not arguing on behalf of the male gender, I apologize.
Before I begin, go up and read my reply to your other comment here! I'm giving you props, silly, not condemning you. The point is that you try, and debate rather than spout an opinion and give up, and I admire that.
I remember one discourse with you... but the polls are put up anonymously, there's no way I can tell who creates them.
Now, about why your method of debating sucks :P You keep labeling me as the perpetrator of what you "fight" against, and I must re-iterate that I not once stated that women are better, deserve better, or in any way should be treated differently than men. (Heck, I didn't even say they SHOULD be treated equally. I just defend truth as it relates to the arguments) So fight your fight against someone who says women deserve better, not someone who just wants to set the facts straight.
Do I have an agenda with setting them straight? Of course. I also have an opinion, which I state here and there, but I make sure it's loud and clear it's just an opinion and nobody is obligated to share it.
My opinion is that you cannot fight gender inequality as a feminist by making things worse for men. That's hypocrisy incarnate, and it's frustrating as you point out. What I don't understand is that you fight back by doing the exact same thing - degrading women with comments that aren't often steeped in much factual proof, and wording that is pretty darn offensive towards women. Why? Hate the haters to stop the hate?
Now, YOU don't seem to put these specific comments up, but on some of these polls about things like "financial abortions for men" (still puking about this one) there are tons of comments that say the women are stupid, or the "dumb cunt deserved it", or "teach the bitch right" etc. etc. That's what I'm a bit tired of seeing.
Trust me, those comments, polls about things like that - it's just as bad as listening to a feminazi drivel on about how cruel all men are. I just can't understand how becoming what you hate is the route you go to be heard.
Sounded a lot like you were condeming me, because I'm probably the main one that puts up the stories and polls that other might say is sexist, which they aren't. So I apologize for misunderstanding.
Yes, we have before. I'm pretty sure I told you it was me, or someone else asked if it was me on the same poll, and I said it was. I only stay anonymous so others know I'm the OP. If people want to know if I made the poll or story, I tell them if I did.
I didn't reply to you because I thought you meant those reasons. I mainly replied to you because I have witnessed myself that this is anything but a site filled with women haters. I have seen women complain about equallity that benefit males on here. I'm not saying you're one of those people, I'm saying that when such things happen, it's irritating to hear that it's a woman hating community that's rising, when it definetly isn't. The males that agree with me don't pay attention to the women's rights, they pay attention to the male's rights. That shows that they aren't out to attack males, they're out to get equal treatment they believe they deserve.
I sometimes dissagree with your opinions, that doesn't mean I think you shouldn't say what your opinion is, it just means that I don't agree with it.
You're partly right, and I agree with some of what you said about the hate thing. However, feminism has become very powerful through their hateful ways in order to get rights, and ensure double standards. That shows that hate is the only way to do it back. And although I don't intend to be hateful, it does strike me as a way men would get more rights. Not most of what I say has full proof, alot of it does, and alot of it doesn't have full proof, more so reasons in which suggests it is most likely proof.
I'm not being hateful towards women, when I say things that might be degrading like the smartest person was a male, I am right, same when I say it for the strongest and wisest. And it is a fact that most of what we use today in our lives were built of founded by men. That a fact, but isn't me saying women haven't made things we need to use, too, just saying males have made more.
To be honest, I have seen a few of those comments, there doesn't seem to be a lot, and they are definetly the minority of commenters, but I too think it's going too far. But if the woman did deserve it by doing extreme things, I think other males might be expressing their hate for what the woman done. Not all can be because of that, I have no doubt a few people on here probably hate women just for them being women, but not many, and I don't like such people.
I have to dissagree with that last part. The difference is females can say that on national TV and get away with it, males can't. Society definetly gives more support and second, third, fourth chances to such women, but not to men.
It's responses like these that are the reason I certainly wouldn't consider you to be blindly sexist or anything extreme like that. You still say things that make me grind my teeth, but that's just because we see things a different way.
I still must insist you cannot accurately say that the smartest person was a male. You can accurately say that the person with the highest tested and recorded IQ was a male, though. This is just a matter of using the right language when you present data. "Smartest" is an opinion. Intelligence isn't solely interpreted as IQ by everyone. Aptitude with language, ability to multitask, reading people, understanding psychology - those are all things that other people associate with being "smart". Same goes for "wisest" but even moreso. There isn't even a remotely standard test or measurement for wisdom. Half the people in Brooklyn will tell you their Gran is the wisest person in the world. Strength... well, you got me there. Guinness records point to a male, and I would guess that if someone was stronger and didn't make it in the book, it was likely a male as well.
It's fact that most inventions came from men, but it's also fact that men throughout history have held more freedoms and power than women. I could argue all day about how subjugation doesn't breed innovation, but potential is ever-present. Not a lot of slave laborers throughout history had brilliant inventions either. Doesn't mean they couldn't have done it, but they weren't given the chance.
Perhaps it is more socially acceptable for women to spout hatred and teach other women that fighting fire with fire is productive. I think that's appalling, but I don't know why YOU have a problem with it. You're all for fighting fire with fire! You're just ping-ponging it back and forth.
Also, the other side isn't without fact, either. Men are out to get the equal treatment they deserve? They already have a ton of advantages that women don't. That's how the whole feminist movement got started. There have been countless incidents recorded and brought to court about sex discrimination against women. Men still earn more money, are more readily hired against women with equal or better credentials, and enjoy their own list of "benefits" of being male. Why do you need second, third, and fourth chances when you still hold the majority of jobs against people who can prove they'd be just as good, when you make more money, when you have more power, when you hold the vast majority of political positions. EVERYBODY knows men certainly don't have the best history as politicians. Who's the last female representative or senator who got busted with a prostitute?
Both sides have an argument to make, but nothing changes the facts that the sexes are still not equally accepted even in modern society. The argument can go on and on with both sides pointing fingers and whining about how they're the victim and the other side has it so much better. Personally? I think spreading ridiculous opinions doesn't help the situation. Women shouldn't abuse child support to extort money out of men. Men shouldn't strip women of their rights to bare children (or not) in order to "get even".
Equality and justice are not born out of spreading hatred, nor are they born from meekly portraying the victim. Forgive the ironic expression, but both sides need to "man up"
Maybe I am one of these self righteous lecturers also, but I don't really give a fuck. Self righteous lecturers have as much right to state their opinions as these little fucktards with little to no education, blank statements with no substance or factual truth and those who troll incessantly.
advice is good you could take it or leave it (i miss dappled funny lectures)
well it depends on what they are judging on. did you write a story about having sex with your mum and you got negative comments? please do tell...
Let me guess, you mean me?
Well you obviously don't know me, I don't try to force my opinions and beliefs on others. I just say what I think. The internet means right to free speech, right? As long as I'm not offending anybody I'll say what I want.
I never see people's posts as self-righteous unless they're preaching religion...then I hate that.. but I do think people just want to help out and are offering all the advice they can.
The following from the Community Guidelines says it all:
Be understanding and open minded
You may encounter things on IIN that you think are bizarre, or unusual, or even outrageous. But, just because someone is different, doesn't make them a bad person. Try to be open minded and put yourself in their shoes before responding.
Isn't it funny that so many of us read this and thought 'oh this must be about me!'
I think that's probably just your superimposed impression of them. Don't be so closed minded and you might learn a few things. It's kind of what this site was created for in the first place.
People like you are the reason I stopped bothering writing long responses.
I was wondering what happened to you. Read your profile. That's good. Hope everything works out alright. I laughed at the P.P.S. XD
Haha, thanks. I'm truly happy right now, in a way I haven't really felt for years. I don't feel like I need IIN at the moment like I did before, and I don't have the same passion that I used to for writing here. I can get the same feeling I used to get from IIN in my real life now, not to mention that IIN is running stale. When I'm not happy is when I spend all my hours here, but I still check back every day, see if there's anything worth reading, even if I have no compulsion to give my opinion anymore.
I'll probably come back here full time at some point, but for now I don't need to to be happy. I hope IIN helps other people in the way it has helped me, because I still believe the people here are the greatest.
In response to the P.P.S., I scribble it all out again when I'm happy. That wall is covered in crossed out scrawlings now :)
I wish I could say the same. Alas though, there are many, many things I have yet to figure out right now in my life.
I didn't always agree with everything you said, and I'm not much of a debater on most things, but I did enjoy reading your comments/arguments often. Come back and write a good one every once in a while if you know what I mean ;)
You should take a picture.
The thing that's changed for me is that I'm not an angry young man anymore. I'm a happy but opinionated young man, and that makes me less confrontational. You'll see that side of me again before long I imagine. Hopefully I won't lose it.
You're a good guy. It isn't always necessary to be a debater to get something out of debates, so long as they make you think.
I'll upload one in within a few weeks hopefully. I should have a perfect one taken by then.
Oh no, I don't get annoyed. I just loooove how some know EXACTLY what is going on in every OPs life. And how others have NO interest in answering the question posted and just try to be controversial. lol
I'm not sure..but I think the op is refering more towards the members who rage against anyone who even thinks about cheating, might disagree with homosexuality, etc. for just a couple examples. There does seem to be a considerable amount of venom spewed at people with opposing views anymore...and I don't think either ItDuz or Dappled fit that mould. They just express their own viewpoint.
Exactly my point!
People get confused by something being really wrong and just something they don't approve of. Of course I am not talking about pedophilia here or anything but just some of the little quirks people have and talk about here.
It would be a very boring site if we were all normal and vanilla. In fact, there'd be no need for IIN at all then would there?
If you really didn't care, you wouldn't even respond to this.
By the way, you're really bad at trolling too.
Well then at least I'm not the one falling for stupid troll traps by respoding to trolls.
Ah, so he is gone. I stopped going on here for a while and I didn't see him anywhere.
Well that just put a damper on my day.