Is it normal to get bugged when people use code as a verb

(ie coding, coded, not programming, scripted). I'm not the type to look down on people just because they fit the norm in a way I don't, it's not even the way I use the term, but it seems so normie? I'm not a gatekeeper but it seems like the kinda thing that'd be like when a kid uses Scratch on an iPad (nothing wrong w/ being educated that way but y'know), and it's just an irrational stigma I have whenever I hear someone use code as a verb. Anyone else get this?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • downwardSpiral

    tbh anyone that says code ever is 100% soy

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    • nikkiclaire

      Soy is ancient.

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  • twigheart

    Code is a verb.....

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    • nikkiclaire

      In what language? Code is a noun in English. People say they code, when they really mean they write code.

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      • beefwamen

        code: verb
        verb: code; 3rd person present: codes; past tense: coded; past participle: coded; gerund or present participle: coding
        convert (the words of a message) into a code so as to convey a secret meaning.
        "only Mitch knew how to read the message—even the name was coded"
        express the meaning of (a statement) in an indirect way.
        "journalists made coded allusions to his deficiencies"
        assign a code to (something) for purposes of classification or identification.
        "she coded the samples and sent them for dissection"
        write code for (a computer program).
        "most developers code C + + like C"
        be the genetic code for (an amino acid or protein).
        "genes that code for human growth hormone"
        be the genetic determiner of (a characteristic).
        "one pair of homologous chromosomes codes for eye colour"

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  • libertybell

    Saying code, or coding annoys me too.

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  • IrishPotato

    It is. Language has evolved.

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  • Boojum

    All languages constantly change and evolve. That's why there are about six thousand different languages in the world today.

    I think changes that make it more difficult for the recipient to understand meaning are worth fighting against (txt speak and absent punctuation, for example), even if you are dismissed as a pedant by the herd. However, the code ship has sailed now, so you just look like a fuddy-duddy if you insist on using the old terms.

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