Is it normal to get claustrophobic in elevators?
I always feel extremely anxious. I don't know how I would handle it if I ever got stuck in one.
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I always feel extremely anxious. I don't know how I would handle it if I ever got stuck in one.
That is why I take the stairs. Only time I will ever take the elevator is if it's ten or more flights I'm having to go up or it is a all glass elevator. Either way I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown while riding it.
I recently found myself in an elevator with 8 people. I panicked, ran out of the elevator, found some stairs, somehow ended up in a staff area of the hotel, and I had to be escorted by an employee to the main lobby. It was very embarrassing.
i dosent mind elevators
ever rode on the roofa a elevator in a tall shaft?
i has and its fuckin freaky
I am comfortable in some elevators. Others make me very uneasy. There's one at my school that is cramped and about 10 degrees (F) hotter than the rest of the area, which somehow makes me uncomfy.
Claustrophobia - fear of being in a small and/or confined space.
Elevator - small, confined space, in which you are trapped for the duration of time it takes to move between floors.
It's not a science rocket :/
That being said, you mostly have other options.