Is it normal to get crap for dating mental illness and sex workers?

I not sure why but this seems to be a major issue with people. I feel like I am probably less judgmental than most people. Yet, oddly people also have told me I am sick and using people for dating these type of people. Like why is there such a stigma around it? I have dated various people from the "Adult industry". A couple of porn stars and a few strippers. I also am notorious for dating people with mental illness. I tend to have a hard time relating or socializing with any sort of people that one might consider "Well adjusted" so I not sure if that is why this seems to be exclusively who I end up hanging around. I had this one coworker who would always start fights with me because they said by dating a person with mental illness you are simply using them. Which I believe is a disgusting premise as that is basically saying anyone with a mental illness does not deserve affection since they are apparently incapable of being loved. I had also been told before that dating anyone from the adult industry means you have low standards. Like, people act like they are not even people. I personally am extremely reserved and came from a super conservative and strict household.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • my_life_my_way

    If you’re only fucking schizos and porn stars then it would raise some questions about why you can’t get a non traumatised, mentally all there girl to go out with you

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I once tried to hook up with a girl who I met in rehab. I took her to a friends house where we smoked weed and drinking and she suddenly started hallucinating was running around in the street. I tried to find a place for her to stay at a friends house and he told me to just take her down the street and push her out of my car😂. I decided to take her to the ER but she had left her phone at my house. I called her family and the next day her crackhead dad tried to dropped her off at my house again saying I should take care of her. Was a fuckin nightmare. She was really attractive and I thought I had a good catch at first

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