Is it normal to get extremely attached immadiately

I rarely care about people I come across as no one interests me and I prefer to be alone. However if I do meet someone I find cute and connect well with I get immadiately attached.
I cant focus on anything else or think about anything else and all I care about is that person even if I dont know them and only spoke to them once. My entire happiness is dependant on seeing that person again and everything else is worthless.
I have always been this way with how I get obsessed with one person which also creates jealousy I cant tolerate them having friends though I hide these feelings because logically I know its toxic to feel that way and I want that person to like me.
I make myself someone that person would like in my style and my behaviour but at the same time I resent people including those who might want to change me so I cant handle criticism of who I am and get very angry I could never have a friend who criticized me and luckily the 2 friends I have left never do.
Its hypocritical of me because two years ago I met a man with the exact same behaviour. He told me he loved me after we met twice and he had to spend everyday with me and talk to me all the time and help me with everything and even neglected work for me because me liking him was all that mattered, apparently. I thought he was pathetic and creepy so I told him that and he said he understands and he'll try to tone it down for me.
I kept seeing him because the attention was nice and the situation was funny and he helped with a lot of stuff which made my life easier. Then when he wanted sex I was out of there lmao like no thanks, crazy.
He was cool though. We still talk sometimes.

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    Sounds like love addiction

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829


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    Really didn't read all of it, but no it's not wise to wrap yourself into someone when you barely know them.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I mean I'm clingy but damn not that clingy

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