Is it normal to get fearful of the strangers who bully you..?

As in pass coments while you are walking .And these guys are mostly in groups ,,the group comments collectively.I get scared to pass by that part of the college, ..too scared to confront them. Happens even wen in with my frnz..really embarassing,,I just have to ignore .what do i do? Should I just confront..wat if I get mocked even badly
or should I keep ignoring?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Usually bullies have their own problems that make them feel they have to take it out on others.

    I actually do see strangers bully each other sometimes. Nobody ever bullies me because I'm a big guy and they are usually pussies who pick on people smaller or more vulnerable than them.

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    • RoseIsabella

      How tall are you? I think the picture on your profile does look like you could intimidate a lot of people.

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      • 6'1 & 250 lbs

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        • I've gotten a bit fatter since that pic because of my beer problem.

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          • That pic is of me on my day at jury duty by the way. I was sent home for some reason.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Hahaha... I always wanted to show up dressed like a kook for jury duty, but I told my folks and they were afraid I'd get charged with contempt of court just for being weird. I dunno, but basically I get notes from my doctor. God Bless that man!

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  • thegypsysailor

    Why would perfect strangers bully you? I don't get it. I didn't think bullies made it to college; they're too stupid.
    Perhaps this is all in your mind and you need to go about your business without worrying about what others are thinking about you.

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  • BrianD

    i have that fear too but i also know that most groups of people,even if they look "threatning" or like they could be bullies,they probably are busy with themselves and won't even notice me when i walk past them,of course there is the occassional jackass which makes a hurtful comment to you and that can really ruin your day,but most people don't feel the need to actively atagonize strangers walking past them,and like others said,most bullies congregate in high school and elementary,most if not almost all of them never even make it to college,so thats one thing to consider

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  • Johnnytherat

    Step 1. obtain a RPG
    Step 2. ???
    Step 3. profit

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  • imperfectndepressed


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