Is it normal to get injured on purpose while working to get sent home?
I find the easyist way to get out of doing something is to get injured by some kind of "accident".
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I find the easyist way to get out of doing something is to get injured by some kind of "accident".
Not normal, it just means you're useless and lazy. I might even go so far as to say you have a mental illness. How can you think injury and pain is worth temporary rest?
You can only accidentally sever so many fingers, toes, and limbs before you run out of options.
When you're a quadruple amputee, your options are limited when it comes to finding a job you can shirk.
I would say this is normal, but I think the reason is a bit more deep-rooted: You gotta find yourself a job you like and reward yourself for doing well, so you can dig yourself out of your hole. You sound a bit like me when I am depressed, you need to pick yourself up and get productive, you'll be happier!
That work great. If you live with your parents and don't need to pay for shelter, heat, food, ect. Are you a women?
I'm 37 y/o male who survives by mooching off others and coming up with excuses to get out of anything that requires effort.
My only advice.
In every job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap!
The job's a game
And every task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see that
A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
That's the very definition of a malingerer. Your parents must be so proud of you. But then, maybe they'll disown you if they haven't already. I know I would.