Is it normal to get petechiae and bruises randomly?
I have petechiae on my arm and I have a very large dark bruise on my knee currently and a scrape on my knee that I dont know where it came from but it looks fresh even though its been there for a long time because I see it everytime I shower and ever since a year ago ive had bruises and petechaie on the foot on the same leg and they never fade. I also have a lot of joint pain, stiff neck, nausea right below my chest all the time and headaches plus I cant stand light and noises. I went to a doctor for all my joint pains and they told me to just strengthen my muscles. Ive gone for my headaches before and they told me take aspirins. I went for my neck being stiff and sore and they said its inflamed because I need to strengthen my muscles.
I think my symptoms are weird.