Is it normal to get sick after being around people who juul or vape

I have never done drugs or vaped, but my friends and family do it around me quite often, and occasionally I get nauseous and feel faint. Is that getting a secondary nic-high? Or am I just fucking stupid and fragile

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Flawless

    are you sure it isn't psychological?

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    • AndrewJacksons4thgrandniece

      It very well could be.

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  • Boojum

    The amount of nicotine in secondary vape vapour is insignificant, and the carrier liquid is benign.

    It's possible your reaction is entirely psychological, but it's also possible you're particularly sensitive to some of the flavouring agents used in vape liquids. Fragrance allergies and sensitivities do seem to be a growing problem.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    You could have allergies

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  • geek_god_101

    Vaping smells are gross. It's as bad as smoking, they need to ban it from public places just like smoking.

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  • leggs91200

    What is the difference between juul and vape anyways?
    Wouldn't it be like trying to differentiate between chewing tobacco and snuff (both of which are horrendously digusting)?

    Even though the vape/juul industry keeps talking about it is safer than smoking, but that crap is still toxic. I don't think it is too far out there that one could get sick just smelling it.

    I smoke cigarettes yet the smell of vape disgusts me, it is like breathing cotton candy

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  • dimwitted

    It's normal because get sick from smoke as well.

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    For someone who doesn’t do it it can be physically exhausting

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