Is it normal to get turned on and/or sleepy as soon as i sit down and read?

As soon as I try to focus on reading or studying something not too interesting (which is most things for me), I get extremely sleepy or horny literally within minutes. My head wanders elsewhere all the time.

One solution that kind of works is to listen to some music that I've not listened to before, music with really unconventional and abrupt sounds. It helps cut off my line of thought on horny matters, and those sudden sounds keep me from dozing off for too long. If I know the music well enough, it loses this effect on me and I find myself dozing off again.

Oh, and if I happen to doze off, I get extremely bizarre dreams of all thoughts being mashed up together.

I have been facing this for several years. I'm still 24, and honestly it's really hard to study and learn a new thing with me having to face this every time.

Any one like me out there?

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Comments ( 2 )

    I has the same problem in college and a psych prof told me that I was hypnotizing myself. He said to keep the lights on bright and drink coffee or other stimulant.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Delta and Theta states can cause his “issue” lol.

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