Is it normal to give myself gender dysphoria out of curiosity?

I've heard that cisgender people can get gender dysphoria if they're given too much of the hormone that corresponds to the gender opposite of theirs. I am a man, but I've got my hands on some estrogen and I'm gonna start taking it to see if I get gender dysphoria, just to see what the fuss is all about.

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31% Normal
Based on 13 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Why do you want to mess yourself up more than you already are?

    Good grief. Don't you already have enough problems in the world? Why create more?

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Makes no sense to me.
    Why not try to improve your life rather than fuck it up?

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  • ospry

    Hormone supplements aren't recreational drugs and gender dysphoria isn't a high

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    • I'm not saying it's a high, I just want to see what it's like for someone to live with gender dysphoria. Who knows, maybe I'll like taking estrogen and decide to go to the next level? People really should be able to hack their own bodies to gain new experiences, including potentially painful ones that help build understanding with themselves and others.

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      • Anonnet

        Wow, when you put it that way...

        ...that's exactly why illegal drugs are illegal, isn't it?
        I'm pretty sure "Hacking your body to gain new experiences that help build understanding with yourself and others" is what cocaine puts on its resume. Verbatim.

        Don't do it, man.

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        • My body, bro. So long as the damage is limited only to me, no one else is allowed to tell me what to do. Last I checked, estrogen is nonaddictive, doesn't cause car accidents, doesn't cause you to black out and lose consciousness...

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  • Clunk42

    That doesn't "give you gender dysphoria". It makes you physically closer to the other gender. For example, it is known that if you inject a boy with copious amounts of estrogen, he will grow breast buds. Of course, he will never become a woman, but he will become closer to one.

    I don't believe with the physical repercussions of injecting yourself with hormones, because it's not going to do anything good.

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    • Nah, you can get something similar to gender dysphoria from fucking with your hormone levels if you're cis. Like, one of the reasons people have issues with chemical castration is because it does something to you that is similar to GD and makes people want to kill themselves.

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  • Ligeia

    I hope you get osteoporosis

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    • I hope I get a postcard in the mail with a picture of your severed head on it.

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      • Ligeia

        How female of you! Never mind you should totes transition gal pal 💞 Don't forget to dilate!!

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  • Tommythecaty

    Why fuc can u no entertane dings with no beleef them?!

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    This is either a troll post or you're really stupid.

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  • Wryladradofft

    David Reimer is shuddering beyond the grave rn

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  • KholatKhult

    Just saying if I got a sex change I’d have the biggest vagina known to man. Big ole whopping vagina.
    Due to my uh, you guys get it

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  • I'm pretty wary of the fact that gender dysphoria can suck and I might grow tits and my dick might shrink, but I've been an alcoholic for god knows how long, and I'm pretty sure this won't destroy me. It's only temporary anyway, I don't intend to spemd my whole life fucking with myself in this exact way.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Just wait until 50 years when all these tranny drugs are discovered to have serious long term health consequences. These drugs have been used but no long term studies for use of changing ones gender. You are an experiment. They were studied for real medical reasons like low T in men or early puberty. Theres already some former trannies from the 90s who are only in their 40s who already have osteoporosis and are saying they think thats the reason. New shit like this takes time to see the health affects. Remember sugar is healthy, cigarettes are healthy, and oxycontin isnt addictive.

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      • Have you considered transitioning into something that's not a piece of shit?

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          You came on here asking a question i gave you a real answer

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Some effects of HRT are impossible to reverse without surgery, some impossible to reverse at all. Consider if you would be ok with a permanently changed body before proceeding.

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    • Meowypowers

      Its a young person fad, no one will pay you any mind

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