Is it normal to go through life without any suicidal thoughts?

Im always on the verge of suicide. Suicidal thoughts plague my everyday life since childhood but I manage to talk myself out of it or something always happens that prevents me from doing it after I planned it out but anyway I have spoken to friends and apperantly they don't have suicidal ever. Is this normal? How is it normal to not have suicide as an option if things go wrong?? How have you never been so sad and hopeless that you want to take your own life?? Im so confused I thought everyone had suicidal thoughts.
I'm 20.

Voting Results
29% Normal
Based on 17 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • LloydAsher

    Even though I considered it at some points I'm way too selfish to actually follow through on it.

    My will to live is greater than my depression hahaha.

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  • olderdude-xx

    It is normal for most people to at least consider it at one point in their lives. In the vast majority of cases that's a one time event, although it may last several years as once they work out that they have value in life or that the issue they are so concerned with isn't that bad in reality.

    I've been through this myself. I've talked with many other people who also have been through this.

    Having it last beyond 3-5 years is not normal.

    I suggest that you find a good counselor that you trust and can work with who has extensive experience in this area. This can almost always be resolved so that its behind you.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    This post is concerning.

    How did you not know that a lot of people do not experience hopelessness?

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    • I thought it was a common emotion to experience like, say, joy or sadness. I don't interact with people that much I'm usually in my own little bubble so there's alot I'm unaware of.

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        Well that explains it then.

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  • litelander8

    I was happy for many years in my 20s. I’m back to self loathing.

    Life sucks. There’s really no pleasant way around it.

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  • Orphan

    Dont ever do it because There's always gonna be someone out there that's gonna laugh about it

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  • Tinybird

    I would be too scared to ever hurt myself or kill myself, as I am extremely pain-avoidant, so I would say it is normal.

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  • hipposkit

    I think it is a thought that comes into everyone's life at some point. Most people won't be completely suicidal but to think you will never ever have a suicidal thought in your life is a bit unrealistic. It could be due to anything - pain, sickness, a breakup, an embarrassing moment, boredom.... at some point you will probably think you should just die to get out of it. You may have no actual intention to kill yourself but it can be a normal passing thought in stressful situations. If someone says they haven't had this, they probably have and just didn't think anything of it, or they will at some point in life

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