Is it normal to go to the movie theater 16 times a month with moviepass?
So I recently started subscribing to MoviePass. For those who don't know, MoviePass is a service in which you pay 9.95 a month to see as many movies in the theater as you want. The only thing is you can only see 1 per day, and it has to be a normal 2D movie. I've been taking full advantage of this service, and just in March of 2018 alone, I have seen 16 movies. Considering it's only costing me 9.95 I month, is there really a problem with this? My parents insist that it's odd, and that I should stop going so much. I have a few other people express similar thoughts as well. Is this considered normal, or at least acceptable behavior? I don't really think it's a big deal, and the only difference is if I didn't go, I would just be at home watching TV or something anyway.