Is it normal to hack a celebrity's account because he/she doesn't reply you?

Imagine you are in love with some celebrities and you keep commenting on their everything to get their attention but they don't even notice you. So your only way is to hack their account and let them know that you want to talk and you had no way else to make them notice. is it normal? would you do it if you could?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 56 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Hati

    Dude, that's fucked up. Their a celebrity and most likely have thousands of comments a day on their media profiles, how do you expect them to go over every single one and find yours?

    Way to be a stalker.

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  • LittleGirlBeatenAndSodomized

    Ronald Reagan and Jodie Foster?

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    • shuggy-chan

      Haha idk why this made me laugh but it did lol

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    • jimmy98


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  • flyingnostalgia

    I would not do that. But i can understand your point of view and that they hurt you by not replying.

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  • NihilOmnisciente

    Wtf? What if a stranger hacks your account to let you notice something, would you be ok with it?

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    • jimmy98

      I'd reply anyone. And i have many accounts.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If 'you are in love with some celebrities' you are NOT normal. In fact you are quite sick. I'd hustle myself off to a therapist quick like a bunny; hop, hop, hop.

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    • RamennoodleMaster

      ??? its normal to be in love with a celebrity, especially if they are famous for their beauty as well as other talents. But i would also say that it isn't normal to HACK into a celebrities account because they didn't see the needle in the haystack. If you want to meet them so bad, buy a meet and great ticket at one of their concerts or attend a filming of their show, though the second is more probable if you live in the LA area.

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      • el marinero gitano

        Tú y yo debemos tener ideas muy diferentes de lo que es amar a alguien. No creo que uno puede amar a alguien que no conocen .
        Pueden lujuria para ellos , el deseo , o incluso tener un flechazo , pero amar a alguien es a conocerlos, OMI .

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        • RamennoodleMaster

          sir. This is an English site, nobody understands you.

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      • thegypsysailor

        You and I must have very different ideas of what it is to LOVE somebody. I don't believe one can LOVE someone they don't know.
        They can lust for them, desire them, or even have a crush, but to love someone is to know them, IMO.

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    • jimmy98


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      • thegypsysailor

        Why do you think you are in 'love' with someone(s) you've never met and don't know at all? You have no idea who these people are in real life; the most you've ever seen is their onscreen persona. They don't have any interest in you or the thousands like you. All they want from you is to see their work, which keeps them employed.
        It's time to stop wasting your time on fantasies that will never bear fruit and concentrate on the real live people in your life.

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      • el marinero gitano

        ¿Por qué crees que estás en el "amor" con alguien ( s ) que nunca has conocido y no sabe en absoluto? No tienes ni idea de quiénes son estas personas en la vida real ; lo máximo que has visto es su personaje en pantalla . Ellos no tienen ningún interés en usted o los miles como tú . Todo lo que quiero de ti es ver su trabajo , lo que los mantiene empleadas .
        Es hora de dejar de perder su tiempo en fantasías que nunca va a dar sus frutos y se concentran en las personas reales en su vida.

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        • RamennoodleMaster

          English please...

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  • 12eahtsdrateri

    hell no the poor person might be freaked out by this.
    privacy do not cross that line.

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  • Dread-pool

    yeah, if you love them enough.

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  • Fall_leaves

    In what way does this sound remotely normal to you.

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  • creampawf

    Who are you, Yandere Chan?

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  • el marinero gitano

    Si ' usted está enamorado de algunas celebridades que no son normales . De hecho, usted está muy enfermo . Me prisa yo fuera a un terapeuta rápido como un conejo ; hop, hop, hop.

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