Is it normal to hate americans who think their country is the absolute best?

I'm so tired of Americans who seem to think that their country is the best thing that ever existed, as if it was pooped out by God himself. The majority of Americans believe that they invented freedom, technology, morality, law and a ton of fundamental stuff, as if nothing had existed before 1776. They are convinced that all other countries are stinky hellholes filled with misguided primitives. That the US is a shining beacon of hope, and that everybody wants to become American.

The US is a pretty cool place and above average but it's far from perfect, just like any other country. I don't understand why Americans have such a self-centered worldview.

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80% Normal
Based on 98 votes (78 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • bananaface

    I dislike anyone like this. There's just something really close minded about it, in my opinion. I don't think it's limited to just Americans, though. I know several people who think England is the best country in the world. Apparently "winning" lots of wars is something to be proud of and something which makes us better than everyone else. But God forbid you ever mention a failure, nearly got my head bitten off, the bloody nutters! I find that sort of pride repulsive. I don't know why it gets to me as much as it does, but there's just something about patriotism and stuff like that which pisses me off. Ugh.

    So yeah, I dislike people like that, and if they happen to be American as well, then so be it. I'd dislike it just as much if it were a person from another country. Is it really the "majority", though? I know that they're really patriotic over there, but I get the impression that that's an exaggeration. Hope so, anyway:O.

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    • Velancious

      I live here in 'merica and even though not everyone here is like that, a good percent ARE. This irritates me, but what can you do? The people who say this are just irrational idiots who want to feel pride in something. Take away that "1st place" feeling, and they get pissed.

      Then again, other people in other countries do this too so it's not just an American thing.

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      • bananaface

        I read an article about patriotism, and it said that the USA is the most patriotic country. I always feel a bit uncomfortable saying "the majority" when I don't know much about it and haven't even been to the country, though:). So, I guess it makes sense that the OP chose to pick at Americans. I do really dislike this sort of thing coming from pretty much anyone.

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        • Velancious

          Yeah, patriotism is a bit nice at first, but when it starts to become...extreme, it turns bad. I don't like it when any country feels the need to 'brag' about "their" achievements and 'pick on' other countries. Almost like bullying if you ask me.

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    • Frieeeend.

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  • dappled

    I'm glad you finished on a positive note. I'm not American but I think America has a lot to be proud of. I also think America is criticised unfairly. I come from a country that went after empire like a rat on a corpse. You could praise that for its transparency or you could denigrate it for its crudeness. I'd denigrate it. America isn't quite so transparent (it's not allowed to be) but America doesn't do anything that any other superpower hasn't tried.

    My country didn't admit to some of the naughty tricks for a century or two. Such is the nature of primacy. With one exception (which I'll keep out of this discussion), I think America as a nation hasn't behaved too badly. I could argue that there's an attempt to destroy business world-wide and replace it with American business, but that's capitalism. If you're no good at playing dirty tricks, you lose. I'm sure that would be the American view. Why should losers thrive? If you think of it in Darwinist terms, it's difficult to fault. Although I do believe the opposite as well and that we should support each other.

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    • VioletTrees

      I can think of two exceptions off the top of my head, and they're both cities in Japan.

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      • Imsupernormal

        Damn Japs fucking deserved to get nuked for all the people they tortured and killed during WWII.

        USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

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        • VioletTrees

          God dammit. You KNOW it's impossible to tell sincere racism and sarcastic racism apart.

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          • Imsupernormal

            Well at least you could tell :)


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  • disthing

    Honestly I don't think the majority of Americans feel that way.

    I'm British and I love this country because it has virtually all the people I care about in it, my history is here and most of my fond memories are from here, I identify most with British culture and it's thanks to British tax payers that I didn't grow up in abject poverty and had access to free healthcare. There are lots of things I'd change about my country if I could, but I recognise the positive aspects and the benefits of being here too.

    I think most Americans have the same feeling towards the US. The clichéd displays of patriotism in America are what we, the outside world, are frequently exposed to, but I get the impression the average US national isn't some stereotypical flag waving, conceited, war-mongering bigot. They haven't had good representation internationally, and I think this has done a disservice to the common American.

    I share your annoyance with the kind of people you mentioned, but I think there are pockets of ignorant, arrogant nationalists in virtually every country. The unfortunate thing is it's the American ones we hear about most.

    So yes your anger is understandable, but look beyond those sad individuals and see the abundance of intelligent, open-minded and caring Americans.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Why, good sir, I give you my thumbs up.

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      • disthing

        Why, thank you dear lady! I bow in gratitude and tip my hat to you! Now away to my steed! GOOD DAY!

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Well, haveing graduated high school only two years ago, I can tell you going through school, from the time I was in elementary all the way through high school, our teachers always told us that America is the best place to live. They pretty much implanted in our minds that our counrty is the best, she should be proud of where we live, there is not other place great...that kind of thing. Not saying I'm not proud of my country, but being the person that I am, I always wanted to live in different countries for a while and see different cultures. I don't think that America is just the absolutle best. I think that is something based off of opinion. I personally don't know what country is the best, but I think it's awful arrogant to assume that we have the best country and to plant it in the minds of children that way. They honestly made us feel bad if we didn't feel this way about country and I think that's where a lot of the pride comes from. I honestly heard before that Denmark is the happiest country in the world but, like America, I guess that's based off of someone's opinion.

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    • beautywithapast

      exactly, we are told we are better then other countries... but most people in america want to leave and see other countries. the citizens don't believe we are the best.... We are just another country who struggles.... and we struggle in the most important areas. Our country is not the best. I would love to leave this country and go to a different one... I think americans are lazy in general there for shouldn't be proud of hteir country.... we don't do anything.

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  • loopoo

    Totally agree. I'm British, and I think America is a beautiful place, such a diverse landscape full of different cultures, every state seems to be so different.

    But when you hear Americans like you described, that like to put every other country down as if it's shit, it gets on my nerves.

    You then find out that person has never even been out America :/

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  • Moonbow

    This is true of people in all countries, not just Americans -- although most of them want to come to the US! Even people from little pissant countries like Jamaica think their country is the greatest. Hell, Mexicans are even proud of Mexico!

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  • Valetion

    Someone should enlighten me as to why Americans seem to loathe Canadians. I'm Canadian and half of my family lives in the USA. They treat our family like we're garbage, the scum of the earth, unworthy etc etc. I just don't get it. It's not a competition. But, obviously, I'm going to side with Canada. I'd rather live in a world of free healthcare and gun control thank you very much.

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  • American people are usually not so bright.

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  • Couman

    I think it's normal to hate anybody who thinks their anything is the absolute best.

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  • myweirdself16

    While I'm proud of my country, I'd rather not have to deal with the people who say that America is the best nation ever and every other country sucks. I want to travel abroad, but I fear that people will think I'm just another dumb American tourist. And no, I will not stick a Canadian flag on my luggage, that's just stupid.

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  • MRmr

    America sucks

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  • mokuton

    Its normal. Majority of the people hate USA and Americans. Only thing i like about the States is the great movies they produce :)

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    Yes, it's far from perfect. What I hate is when people try to justify the wrongs.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Not saying its right to be a snob but a lot of people do want to go to US. Wasnt the piont of the country to make a land free of prosecution? They are in fact richer and better off than some other countries. As well as seemingly much more welcoming to foreigners than most country. "Oh you cant read that? Well thats ok we have it in 12 different languages!" We hope you learn the native language very soon"! and US refuses to put its official language as English for this reason.

    Also a lot of people seem to have the idea they are better than everyone else. The US acts like most people. If you ever walk into a forum with a lot of countries everyone has to bitch saying "I hate France, I hate England, I hate the US, I hate Germany" and everyone has to act like a dick.

    Since "Look at me! My country rocks and you are a bunch of worthless shitholes"! There is always going to be people that think this. Sure its obnoxious but I seen it happen from all countries. There is always going to be people who want to think they are all that.

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  • Retard73

    AMERIKKA !!!! Yeha best cuntry yeeahhhhhh texas best plejs in amerika , all oder den amerika can suk my 34 cm amerikan dik! ! yeah broham amrika

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    • Legion

      "34cm"? Thats metric, not Standard measurements.
      We measure in inches, not Centimeters.

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  • FunkyHuskyCoolGirlYuki

    Well, it's a huge sense of nationalism...
    Look up "Deutschland" by Die Prinzen (it's a German song) and it's all about their nationalism (even though it's satire) the line (in english) says "God Kissed the earth just once, right on the spot where Germany is" so it's not just Americans...

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    America was one of the biggest richest places in the world at one point. However they squandered the money when they had money to spend. They toss money at everything and now they are living off loans. America is bankrupt. Also I do not think America is the worst snobs. I think it is the french. I do not think the countries are the issue more like the immigrants or tourist who go to a country just to pick out everything that is wrong. If the country is kind enough to let you in do not piss off the natives. Same concept as entering someones home. Be polite or just leave.

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  • flowergirl87

    Whilst I do feel some Americans could do with putting their own trumpets down at times, I also think a lot of non-Americans (British!) could take a leaf out of America's book. BUT on a more personal level, rather than a national one. Hope that makes sense. I had an American lecturer at uni and she said she thinks the British should be more prepared to be proud of themselves and talk themselves up more. I'm fine with that concept on an individual level, but I don't feel that historically, Britain as a country has much to be proud of. To be honest, any overly patriotic people from any country piss me off. We're all born in different places, it's just one big draw, we're all the same and just residing on different lumps of land. Big wow.

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  • Joshhh

    America is not perfect, but I think (as an American) other countries contribute to this way of thinking. Everyone loves American music and Hollywood and things like that. So naturally, Americans think we are the best. It's a great country, I'll tell you that

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  • Imsupernormal

    I think British people are more self-centered. Like when someone posts a story that says "IIN that I hate Britain?" It would get voted "not normal."

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    • Imsupernormal

      BTW I agree with this post. Overly patriotic nationalistic Americans are Fucking Annoying!!!

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  • Legion

    I agree its stupid when people act like their country is the best and the rest stink. just as irritating to hear someone harping on a particular state or province in that country. In elementary school, we had a kid from new york that always how new york was the best, and pick on everyone else in the class cause "missouri was stupid". We ended up turning it around on him and he moved back to brooklyn.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I have to agree with you as well but the majority of Americans don't feel this way. On the contrary, a LARGE growing number of Americans despise their government and despise their leaders as well.

    That does not invalidate your point though. I have seen levels of nationalism that are sad such as the nationalism expressed by people that don't understand that support for one's military need not include support for every gruesome thing that those men and women are ordered to do. It is seen as far from Patriotic to many to ask exactly WHY our troops are being sent here and there and demand an explanation for the government's behavior.

    In addition, I know that many American tourists have this delusion that loving the culture and other finer aspects of other countries means that they can't or don't love their own. Many take some sense of pride in putting those of other countries down and making their lack of education and critical thinking skills obvious...

    I think it is normal. I would have to question the sheer, raw neurological capacity of anyone that can't be able to love one's country without feeling the need to trust and follow everything they say and do and remember that a politician is a politician is a politician is a liar no matter how "noble" they seem.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    It seems the less technology a country has the better it is to live in.

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    • disthing

      Why do you think that?

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      • Terence_the_viking


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        • Could you clarify a bit? Without technology, living standards tend to be really low. Keep in mind that technology includes healthcare, green energy, transport, access to internet, high agricultural yields... I find it your observation hard to believe.

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          • Terence_the_viking

            In terms of happiness people actually talk to each other there is more community spirit.

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            • Ask any slumdweller, they would happily trade their community spirit for comfort.

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            • disthing

              Oh I agree with you that people can be poor and happy, just as people can be rich and miserable.

              However that's really down to culture, individual outlooks and expectations. The blame doesn't lie at the feet of technology.

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            • YES. That is definitely true.

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            • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

              People could be happier if they weren't shitting out their bowels every other day thanks to cholera.

              Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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          • robbieforgotpw

            I'm assuming you don't live in America. If you do then why are you here?

            America with all its problems is still better then Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Some people preferred Europe but now it's been run over by terrorists.

            We do still have a little bit of freedom here. While it lasts...

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  • kelili

    I'm very proud of my country and I think that it is one of the best place on the planet to live. I wouldn't change for anything even if I wish there were some development here

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  • noemimi93

    Hmm you must not be from these parts ehhh?

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