Is it normal to hate changing pads/tampons in public
I hate sitting in a quiet public washroom that has other people in it and then changing my pad. The packaging is so loud.
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I hate sitting in a quiet public washroom that has other people in it and then changing my pad. The packaging is so loud.
Okay, so I'm a guy, and therefore I can't speak from personal experience and I know I'm opening myself up to accusations of being a total dick for even daring to comment, however...
The underlying issue here seems to be a feeling of embarrassment or shame about having a period. Why is this? Every healthy, non-pregnant woman has one of those roughly every month from the time she's around 12 until she's about 50. If you're attending to a perfectly normal thing for women in a female-only toilet, what's the problem?
And is it really significant to you if you hear sounds suggesting the use of a feminine hygiene product in another stall when you're in the toilet? If it doesn't matter to you, why should you making those sounds matter to anyone else?
As far as a practical solution, why can't you put the pad(s) you anticipate using in a non-noisy plastic bag before leaving home? Or maybe just have a coughing-fit to cover up the rustling sound?
Ok, it's sort of the same concept of having the runs in a public toilet. Everyone gets the runs but it is not something you enjoy other people knowing about and hearing. Does that make sense?
It's hard to say why I'm embarrassed. Perhaps it's the drawing attention to myself aspect. Your arguments are pretty logical. I know i'm making a big deal out of nothing, though knowing doesn't always fix anything
Putting them in a plastic bag may get them contaminated with whatever germs, so that's kinda not a good idea. They're meant to be opened right when you're about to use em
My experience is that if I make a sandwich in the definitely non-sterile conditions of my kitchen, put it in a new plastic bag, stick it in a lunchbox and then keep it in a room-temperature environment for several hours, it won't be covered in mold when I take it out and I won't get food poisoning after eating it. A moist sandwich composed of all sorts of nutrients is a great place for bacteria to grow; a dry sanitary towel is an awful culture medium. It's true that the pad would no longer be sterile, but I very much doubt if using it would be dangerous.
Just mumble something like “I can’t believe I have to wrap presents in here”.
apply for a patient on a quiet to open sanitary wrapper , why should it sound like a bag of potato chips? see you on shark tank , you got a winner.
Understandable. Some feminine hygiene companies make such products with quiet packaging because they're now aware of the issue of embarrassment.
If you are the only one in the wash room, then there is nobody else to hear the wrapper. The only one who can hear it is you, therefore I don't think there is much to be self conscious about. And, even if there were other ladies in other stalls, I'm sure they've had or have periods as well. They surely are not going to judge you. The only way you might get judged is if you do this in the men's wash room. You're a woman. It's healthy. It's natural. Unless its your first period, there is nothing to be embarrassed or self conscious about!
Of course it's normal, though I can't relate. How can anyone enjoy being in this situation?