Is it normal to hate people that hate cats?

I swear, whenever somebody says they hate cats I just can't like them. As soon as they say it I just hate them! Even if someone is allergic, I still end up getting really, really mad at them. When someone says they hate dogs it's more of a "your loss" kind of situation because nobody hates dogs, but when someone says they hate cats I just wanna kill them. Even if it's my own brother or something, I'll still end up liking that person 95% less.
Like, I tell someone I have a cat and most of the time the answer I get is "I hate cats." I just stop talking to that person no matter who they are and basically never talk to them again. There have also been times where people would come to the door and they made a negative comment about my cat being at my leg and wanting my cat gone before they talk to me, like "get that thing away from me." I just close the door on them. Is this normal or do I have like, issues?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 56 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • Crusades||

    I can relate to what you're saying. My girlfriend absolutely despises cats and it annoys the hell out of me although I'm not mentioning it to her. Wouldn't consider it as a deal breaker though, like other people do. I won't choose an animal over a human. I still have my feet planted on the ground and a healthy, rational brain upstairs.

    But yeah, cats are awesome. Much better than dogs. I love cats and felines in general. They have a certain grace and elegance in the way they carry themselves. As apposed to dogs who seem clumsy, loud and obnoxious.

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    • LittleGirlBashedAndSodomized

      I disagree.

      Cats are useless animals whose only purpose is companionship. DOGS on the other hand have a purpose. They'll protect you, alert you, fetch birds you shot, guide you if you're blind. They are bread and can be trained for a PURPOSE.

      Cats are worthless animals whose only reason to exist is to be fed so they can shit in a litter box you'll have to clean up later.

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      • Crusades||

        You're right about dogs being more useful but I don't value animals based on their utility.
        Cats are independent and don't cater to your needs like dogs do. They won't provide you with that constant up-your-ass affection and that's exactly what I like about them. They're like me.

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      • Sara0303

        I agree. I've killed cats

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  • green_boogers

    Cat haters are usually sadistic.

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    • RoyRogers

      So are most people. So what your point?

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      • green_boogers

        That cat haters have a much higher rate of sadistic tendencies than the population in general.

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        • RoyRogers

          I see, alright. I love cats though ^^

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          • green_boogers

            I think they're almost as good as dogs.

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  • RanOutOfKarmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    guys that like cats are sexy af.

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    • Well I'm a guy and my cat is pretty much my baby :)

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  • Motashotta

    Totally normal. When I hear someone say they hate cats, I just think "OK then" and walk away.

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  • somedude11

    From my experience people who hate cats, love to command other people, they hate cats because cats are independent and dont obey like dogs and generally are NOT good people so....its normal, your brain subconciously tells you who to trust.
    EDIT Generally steer clear of people who dont like animals....

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  • I am a cat lover definitely, but I would never loathe someone because they dislike cats. I feel people that are like that have never spent any significant time with a cat to have a better understanding of them and how awesome they truly are. It kills me when people say cats are dull or have no personality. I always tell them you have no idea what you are talking about. But different strokes for different folks though so.

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  • Short4Words

    I'm allergic and I think dogs are better anyway. Whatchu gonna do about it?

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    • charli.m

      Clearly, you must die.

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  • jetsrule420

    Cats suck

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  • bucho's_butt

    Remember that scene in that one movie where the kid picks up the cat by the tail and swings it around as he's walking down the street with his friends? That was funny.

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    • Never heard of that movie but it sounds like a douche bag movie.

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      • bucho's_butt

        I gotta figure out what the name of that one was.

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    Count me in your hated group then, cause I hate cats more than Donald Trump hates Muslims. When I was young, we used to throw them on top of the coal furnace just to hear them shriek. Great fun!

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    • You're trolling so hard.

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  • Ellenna

    All that hate can't be doing you much good and it's not affecting anyohe else. If you really want to kill people who don't like cats there's's something seriously wrong with you.

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  • thegypsysailor

    That's a great deal of hate over a little pussy.

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