Is it normal to hate people that hate cats?
I swear, whenever somebody says they hate cats I just can't like them. As soon as they say it I just hate them! Even if someone is allergic, I still end up getting really, really mad at them. When someone says they hate dogs it's more of a "your loss" kind of situation because nobody hates dogs, but when someone says they hate cats I just wanna kill them. Even if it's my own brother or something, I'll still end up liking that person 95% less.
Like, I tell someone I have a cat and most of the time the answer I get is "I hate cats." I just stop talking to that person no matter who they are and basically never talk to them again. There have also been times where people would come to the door and they made a negative comment about my cat being at my leg and wanting my cat gone before they talk to me, like "get that thing away from me." I just close the door on them. Is this normal or do I have like, issues?