Is it normal to hate people who say out loud "i am the customer"?

*vent post*
I work as a cashier, and people don't seem to believe that if they open something, they have to pay for it. Management always sides with them, so eventually I just stopped caring.

Near the end of my shift today, I turned off the light for my lane. After my lane was empty and my light had been off for over 5 minutes, a lady comes to my lane. I tell her I'm closed, she tells me she only has 2 items and she doesn't feel like walking further. She opens a bag of chips, then looks at the label and says she doesn't want them because they're spicy. I briefly mention that she already opened them, she demands to speak to a manager.

I let it slide and she says "yeah, that's right, because I used to be a manager. The customer is always right." I ring her out for a different bag of chips, and she says "thank you". I don't say anything back, because I'm already kind of pissed. She then tries to lecture me on COURTESY, and tries to get me to say "you're welcome", quoting that she's the customer and asks me if I'm new (I'm not). I don't say it, since I'm this close to going off on her, and she eventually leaves in a huff.

Why are these people always the first people to scream "I'm the customer", as if I work for them and not the store?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • PlebolaVirus

    Next time, you should tell the annoying customer to fuck off. Use those words, and slap the piss out of them if they don't pay after opening items.

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  • Ellenna

    You have both my sympathy and my admiration: I'd last about 5 minutes in that type of job because I don't suffer fools gladly and would tell them where to put their opened packets of food.

    She was a rude bitch: did you feel like laughing in her face when she lectured you on your alleged lack of courtesy?

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, could it be because without them you wouldn't have a store to work in? You certainly wouldn't have a job in a store with no customers for very long, would you?
    Of course, some folks are just assholes, but honestly are the majority of your customers assholes?
    If you answered yes, then I'd think it was you, and you are in the wrong job. Move to stocking shelves or the loading dock and leave the dealing with the customers to those with a better attitude.

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    • The vast majority of my customers are not assholes. Again, this was a vent post.

      I don't agree with your first statement, though. Simply shopping in a store doesn't give you the right to act like you own the employees.

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      • thegypsysailor

        But you do work for them. For without them you would have no job, unless some rich guy wants to hire you to work as a cashier in a store with no customers.
        I mean I feel for you, I do, but at least you get to go home after 8 hours. In my occupation, I have to live with them 24/7 in a space smaller than a railroad car, whether they are nice or not. And keep my mouth shut no matter how rude they are. If I don't, my whole business goes out the window in a heartbeat.
        Oh, the tales I could tell.

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        • No, I really don't, especially not at the cashier level. I work for my employer. If my store had no customers I wouldn't care, since I could easily find a job somewhere else. You're really making an argument for the managers, not us lowly part-timers. I "work for them" in that it's in my job description to be nice and ensure that they had a positive trip. Not literally, in that they can spit in my face and I have to smile while they do it. There's a certain amount of bending over I'm willing to do, but some people really push it.

          No doubt your job sounds way worse, so I don't expect sympathy in that regard. What do you do?

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          • thegypsysailor

            Way worse? No way, because 99% of the people are fantastic. And we are getting paid to go sailing! Nothing is better than that.

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  • YamaMayaNyaa

    Look, I've worked customer service and I get that these snooty customers are a pain, but throwing gasoline on the fire doesn't help, and it only makes your manager think you are the problem. The phrase "kill them with kindness" comes to mind here. Objectively, the customer was wrong, no doubt about it, but in a customer service setting, managers hardly ever have your back, so just don't bother trying to play cop with these people, and let the manager explain to their superior why they're losing so much money on damaged goods.

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    • I didn't try playing cop here. When I said I "briefly mentioned" that she opened the chips, that and "nevermind" is literally all I said. I'm not going to completely ignore it like it's a perfectly normal thing to do, I want to at least make them aware of it.

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      • YamaMayaNyaa

        I'm saying it's not worth it here to try and call them out. Your manager didn't have your back on that one, so I'm saying just don't bother in future. If your manager is not bothered why should you be? Why should you try and call her out purely on principle? It's just a crummy retail job and you're not loss prevention so don't cause yourself undue strife.

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        • I would if I could. I can't bring myself to ignore that since it really bothers me. How can people just open things and then leave? I was actually surprised by the gall this time, since it was an adult woman that did it and she did it directly in front of an employee. Usually it's the children that do that, not the adults.

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  • radioguy22

    i tend to treat each customer on his or her merits, if they are nice and pleasant with me, i'm the same back, but if you are obnoxious, i wont be rude, but they certainly wont recieve the same level of courtesy and help as if they were a good customer. in my trade you do tend to get some bolshy types but in all fairness, most of them when they get to know you turn out to be ok. i think the key thing is try to be patient, however hard it may be and even against your principles and you will win power over the bad customers because then they have little or no comeback.

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  • _xyzzy_

    Bad/rude customers are the worst. I try to be as nice as I can because I remember being a cashier and how much a jerk customer could ruin my day.

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