Is it normal to hate societies attitude toward life in general?
Okay so im a 21 year old student in England and I feel extremely alone on my beliefs about life in general. Summed up, I am a huge fan of old Japan, I love reading old stories of the samurai on how respected they were and how respectable they were to others. It maybe a bit idealogical but to me they were disciplined, honourable, strong and would throw away their lives at any given moment for what they believed in. I genuinely admire these people and I try my best to follow their code of conduct by being all I can in todays world.
The strange thing is however I find most people are quite the opposite and any sense of what I call morals are extremely low or simply don't exist! I recently watched a TV show called "Skins" Which If you don't know, it is about a group of people that are constantly high, constantly sleeping around with each other and in general being extremely disgusting human beings.
They achieve nothing but pain for one another, they are lazy, rude, inconsiderate, thick, cheating is considered acceptable and makes good gossip, nearly ODing on drugs is funny to watch and funny to do. sleeping with your "best friends" girl is forgiven with "Im Sorry",and in perspective Adolf Hitler was probably seen as a little bit naughty !!!! I would say it is a very very exaggerated version of society and is in my mind really disturbing. Now I don't dislike the program because at times it is really funny and some of the disturbing behaviour i mentioned is quite entertaining to watch. What absolutely amazed me though was when I went to see some reviews and other peoples comments online, googles results where flooding with things like "how to be like xxxx from skins" and how people are idolising these characters?
I was genuinely shocked to read this because to me these characters being portrayed were funny because they were so stupid !!! It makes me sick to think people admire them and are treating them as role models? I am probably coming across very up-tight and sound boring as hell but the fact is i'am sexually active, in the past i have done a heap of drugs and done a lot of stupid things. I go out a lot and have lot fun with friends. I have been in a lot of extreme situations and from my experiences I have learnt. I don't do drugs anymore but I have no problem with people that do so long as they are not causing harm to others. I don't think there is anything wrong with having sex with other people so long as you are not hurting anyone and overall I consider myself polite, truthful, and very respectful. One moral I have which is a real issue for me is "Not cheating". It seems a lot of people don't consider it that bad but for me it is just sooo extreme you wouldn't believe. If someone had intentionally slept with one of my ex girl friends when we were together I would be looking for blood. If it honestly came to it and someone raped or beat her up I would probably kill them, and i can honestly say that with a straight face. To some that will sound really psychotic but it actually Physically sickens me!!
The main point I am trying to make, is that why the hell do most people and most media idolise stupid people? Why is having an affair so normal for most people? Why are people that appear on such shows as Jeremy Kyle and Jerry Springer considered to be so acceptable? Lazy pieces of crap, milk the system dry by having kids at 12, and we as a society put them on television, give them a shit load of money and label them celebrities?
I am aware I sound really old but I seriously agree more so with older generations than I ever do with my own. I am a caring person without a doubt and selfishly I have probably stuck to my morals because I couldn't handle that much emotional pain. I really do want to hear what you all have to say on this subject. Thankyou very much for reading and I would really appretiate any comments you have, especially if you dis-agree.