Is it normal to hate when people act friendly but talk behind someone's back?
I hate when outgoing people act friendly to people they don't like. Like when they smile and put up a friendly front then badmouth them as soon as they're looking away. I hate that. Why bother putting up the front? Why not be indifferent to them? There's no need to be a dick to them, of course not, but there's no need to treat them well either when you're not comfortable with it.
I hate talking about people behind their backs. Usually if I do, I tell them directly what my problem with them is when the opportunity is right.
My ex is a huge example of this. She would always talk about people behind their backs. She was VERY outgoing and always smiled when talking to people. Then afterwards badmouth them cause she never actually liked them and was just putting up a front. This bothers me because on the outside she was so, so nice. Which was why I fell for her. And even so, she was always very nice towards me, stated any problems she had with me to my face and not behind my back and we had a great relationship for the most part. But with other people she was always mouthing them off when they weren't around. To this day I cannot tell if she was a total bitch or actually a nice person with some healthy dislikes.