Is it normal to hate when people ask me about music?

Of course I like music, but I honestly don't listen to it very often. I don't really have a favorite band or anything, and it's just not a subject I know a lot about. So, I hate when someone asks me about my taste or favorites, it makes me so anxious. I don't like talking about things I don't know well, like what if I name a band, and it's actually bad and I accidentally embarrass myself or something? I only worry about that with music, because I just don't know enough to defend my tastes, I guess? I've thought of making myself get more into music, because as I said I do like it, it's just pretty low on my list of priorities.

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80% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • NeofelisNebulosa

    That's normal. I don't like talking about my tastes in music with others. I enjoy music but I don't often go searching for new music. It's not essential for me to function. I know some people who say "music is my life", and they don't even play instruments, which puzzles me.

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  • Freedom_

    The answer is in the music...

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  • KingTermite

    A band that's bad? Bad is subjective. Defend your choices? Why would you have to defend your opinion? You're allow to like or not like any kind of music, no defense should be required.

    If you really need a solution just make up band names and when they haven't heard of them (and they shouldn't have if you made them up) you can tell them to get back to you when they get with the times.

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    • itsnotnormal3

      Blah blah blah I love to hear my self talk blah blah blah

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. I can't talk about music anymore due to how I also don't listen to it often. Now I just tell them that I don't listen to much music anymore and I don't have a favorite band or artist. They usually move on to another subject after that.

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