Is it normal to hate your father / wishing him death

My father often screams at me for everything I do, we often quarrel, when I stay in my room I feel more safely. My mom never do that to me, I really hate my father and want him to die.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Honestly, best thing to do in this situation is to save money and move out. It could take a few years, but if you have your own place, you won't have to deal with him.

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    • heathercampbell_73737

      Yea saving money is a good thing but I think the best is to find a permanent job because the rent is pretty much expensive and saved money won't be enough

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    A lot of ppl have that stage they go through where they hate their dad. A lot of times you'll get older and agreeing with a lot of things he did and you'll realize thats the reason you arent a failure and a lot of the ppl who are failures had parents who let them do whatever they want and the others didnt have a dad. More times than not you can predict if a person had good parents by how he turned out.

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  • Somenormie

    My friend wished similar, however she grew up with an abusive father to a point where she wanted to wish him the worse.

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  • GaelicPotato


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  • Cable4nerds

    I went through rough times with mine but I would never wish death on the man.

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  • Meowypowers

    I hated my father when I was young and now he is the greatest man in my life. People can change and so do our perspectives as we grow older.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I had this feeling a lot growing up. I don't like the man, even now, but I would never wish death upon him these days. He's just not worth the effort. Just focus on moving forward with your life and you'll eventually get to a better place. You don't owe any members of your family love, particularly if they're being aggressive or hateful towards you or those you care about.

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