Is it normal to hate your handwriting?

I hate it a lot. I write anything and I look at it and think "Why tf did I write like that? That looks horrible" so I erase and do it again, and I do it several times until I'm happy with it. I just really hate how my handwriting is so sloppy and the letters have such bad shapes (when I write 'b' it just never connects and doesn't look like a 'b') but I try and it never gets better

The weird part is that I feel bad about myself for it. I feel stupid for having ugly handwriting and not being able to improve it

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Mine is just a bunch of scribbles

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  • RoseIsabella

    Get a notebook, and practice your handwriting. You can also practice by writing out quotes, affirmations and mantras that encourage you.

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  • Clunk42

    What type of handwriting do you like? I used to have bad handwriting, but I found a handwriting that I liked, copied it, and now my handwriting is pretty decent.

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    • I just wish my handwriting could be more uniform. I never write the same letter even remotely the same. Are there any methods to improve writing? Should I trace letters? I find it difficult to copy by just looking

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      • Clunk42

        Take a handwriting that you like the look of, figure out how each of the letters is written, then write them that way yourself. Take like a week to write a bunch of random sentences, making sure to write all the letters in the right way. Eventually, you'll have forgotten how you even used to right. For example, I first copied this handwriting:

        My handwriting is much different now, because my tastes have changed, but I would say to try to look for something like that alphabet that you can easily copy. German Wikipedia tends to be a very good source for them, for some reason.

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