Is it normal to have a boyfriend of different religion and fear of society?

hey everyone, I love one boy from deep of my heart and he also. But when it comes to getting married, society comes in between. As we both are of different caste, people around us are telling us that we should not do this. Am i on the right track to fight with society or should i forgot him and live my life as per the rules of sociery? please help me out. I need support.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • LaughinSkull

    Screw society.

    Again this is why I have a problem with religion. Well, people for that matter. Athiests can be obnoxious and meddle in affairs they shouldn't too, and religious people do the same.

    Bottom line, decide for yourself what will make you happy, and screw everyone else. Take advice with a grain of salt. I think that the most important thing you can achieve in life is happiness.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you choose to live against the rules of the society you live in, then obviously, you must find another society to live in. Pretty simple.

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  • FireFlower

    This is one of the reasons why I don't like religion.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    This is one of the issues I have with religion, it separates us as a race and puts unnecessary distance between us,

    ( admittedly not the case for many people but as a whole)

    To fuck with what's expected of you, you love each other, that's what matters, go for it :)

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    Move to a different country. Any religion should bring people together and not split people just because they were brought up differently.
    Most times religions are good for nothing.

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  • Unimportant

    If society stands in your way - fuck society.

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  • Treehugger29

    I live in a very religious country myself, I often struggle with this as well. You basically have two choices: Let love guide your lives or let religion break them up.

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  • feel_good

    I am also thinking the same, but what about the people ane relatives who were with me till this day? I am afraid that they might cut the relation with me.

    this religion problem is very serious matter in INDIA till this days. Please somebody help me to stop this things.

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  • green_boogers

    Move to a different country.

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