Is it normal to have a dirty mind?

A friend told me that I had a dirty mind and I think I do. When I see attractive girls or guys, I try to think what they look like naked. When I see a young couple I imagine them fucking. I’ve tried to stop but I can’t help it.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Somenormie

    I am sometimes dirty minded I sometimes think about getting laid and eating up some pussy.

    I am mostly don't admit that I am dirty minded.

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    • But with me it’s like 24/7. I went to a Halloween party last night and all I could think about were what the pussies and dicks looked like.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'm not sure if there has ever been a single person born on this earth that has has a perfectly clean mind...

    Even Jesus is reported to have felt the temptations that normal people had... and that is because of what he thought of.

    Of course, what thoughts we act on, and don't act on, is what determines how we live our lives.

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  • Boojum

    It does sound to me like you're a bit sex-obsessed. Maybe you just need to get laid?

    In any case, we're all free to imagine whatever sexy, kinky, or totally perverted stuff that we like in the privacy of our own craniums. You don't need to share those thoughts with anyone else, and doing so with those who are just friends is pretty crass and immature. (Although doing so with those who are more than just friends can be pretty hot.)

    If you ever start feeling the urge to take those thoughts into the real world and do or say things that are socially unacceptable or even illegal, you'd be wise to seek counselling.

    Also, trying not to think about something that preoccupies you is the completely wrong approach. It just doesn't work. If you want to stop thinking about this stuff, you need to find something else that fascinates you enough to keep your mind occupied.

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