Is it normal to have a memory that works like this?
Ok so I can't remember ANYTHING I learn in school
(I'm a very slow learner)
I remember the set up of my kindergarten class and what my friends had on the first day I met them.
but not the school work...
All my teachers said that I was a visual learner so I had to wright all this stuff out but the thing is when I wright stuff down I'm couldnt focus on what I was wrighting because My eyes would wonder around the room as I wrote
( I don't need to look at what I'm wrighting because the way I turned my hand just let it go in a perfect line)
so I wouldn't remember what I wrote and when I went to look back at the bored all I would see was the gaps between the words
(it still works like that for me )
and it's hard because they look so much like little path ways or a Streat .
And the information I do learn is useless
"jade gemstones are located in British Columbia"
from my grade 4 project on the world ( I got British Columbia) .
And the important information I need to know takes so long for me to remember
For example you learnt how to do times tables in grade 3...
well I learnt how to do it in the summer of grade 6-7
And I really wanna know if it's normal to take so long to know stuff and only remember the pointless stuff in school ?