Is it normal to have a phobia of the loch ness monster and other sea monsters

It would be definitely not normal if it were just the Loch Ness Monster. I don't believe in it, and despite my weird phobia, I would love to find out it's real.

But it's really any kind of sea monster, especially ones resembling plesiosaurs. Just a cartoon drawing can sometimes give me a chill, and reading the Wikipedia article (which I somehow got to by reading about the Scottish independence referendum) is making my blood pressure spike. I'm having almost a full-blown panic attack writing about it.

Does anyone else have this problem or know what it's called?

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31% Normal
Based on 36 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Having sailed most of the 7 seas, I can personally assure you that if sea monsters do exist, they are pretty damn shy. Not something one should put too high on their list of irrational fears.

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    • theshowersailor

      Aye indeed! I sail the seven seas daily and I ain't never seen a sea monster! I see a few mermaids though. I threw me net in the watery grave and caught meself a live one, 42 years my junior, that's life on the sea yes it is.

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    • Holzman_67

      they're called sharks
      we get a few of em off the coast where I live but the government has started shootin' em if they come too close to popular beaches
      damn rednecks

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  • Gonfaloniere

    The Loch Ness monster is real, but she said she would only make a public appearance if Scotland became independent.

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  • mountain-man82

    I have no idea, but I would love to know what its called. Thats the first Ive heard of that phobia and would love to learn more about it.

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  • Dot123

    I am the lochness monster and I need about tree fitty.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    One is going eat you.

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  • Holzman_67

    I've always found the Loch Ness monster quite whimsical and even endearing.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I actually love scary sea creatures and mythological ones, I watch all the shows and read all the books. I would love to see one but not extremely up close.
    I think its pretty normal phobia though since they could potentially eat you. A lamb phobia, a Cheerios phobia, those are the weird ones.

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    • The Cheerios phobia could be trypophobia. I never quite got that one, but it's apparently common.

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  • Pika-girl

    Same! I'm kinda scared of fish and other sea creatures, though my favorite food is sushi... :/

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  • Avant-Garde

    I believe in them and other cryptids. There are so many mysteries that are left on our planet, especially in the water. This is one of the reasons why I am so iffy about swimming in the ocean. My state, Maryland, reportedly has a sea monster called "Chessie" living in the Chesapeake Bay. I remember being so in awe and frightened when I first learned about that. To date, I have not ventured in the bay. I did, however, once found the corpse of a Colecanth. The Colecanth is a prehistoric fish that most people believe to be extinct. Some were also found in the waters around Africa. If they can still exist, why not Plesiosaurs too?

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    • I never fact-checked this, but I guy I know claims that sonar DID find something really big and weird in Loch Ness about 15 years ago, but that they didn't find it a second time. This was interpreted to mean that Nessie was real, but that we killed her with global warming.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Hey, I love, Nessie!

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    • VirgilManly

      You even pooped one out once.

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      • RoseIsabella

        A Lock Ness poop monster!

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  • handsignals

    Maybe you should stop swimming in Loch Ness.

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  • Blue_Velvet

    Why be afraid of something which don't even exist?

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  • Parky_Parker

    As a kid, I used to be scared that a creature would come out of the toilet and bite me while I used the toilet at night. But now I got it on loch. Pun intended.

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