Is it normal to have a reaction to the just the thought of your phobia?

I don't know where it came from but I cant stand loads of things, I get goose-bumps and a shiver up my back thinking of for instance, drying myself with a towel? in case ya wondering I pat myself down but I don't even like touching towels or those horrible paper towels? I feel like I'm giving myself phobia's to touching loads of stuff, mostly dry things. I'm a weirdo :( does anyone else have strange phobia's?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I have only approach anxiety

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes this can happen like people saying spiders give me te heeby jeebies and then shuddering all over.

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  • TomboyC

    Have to admit, never heard of that one before :L. but thinking about your phobia and freaking out is pretty normal I'd say. I absolutely detest deep,murky water and thinking about it makes my hands clammy, dry mouth, shivery spine etc I'm sure there are things you aren't scared of that terrify other people, so yeah, pretty normal :)

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  • kitty77

    I have a phobia to cotton balls, even thinking about them makes me even want to vomit

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    • lb1612

      yup that squeaky weird stuff, see :( gritting my teeth as I think about it yuuuuuk

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  • imadragon

    What you have to do when you a phobia is to keep ignoring it. I can't think of certain things either, but I don't have to when I keep ignoring the things I have phobias for. Try to distract yourself with something like homework, that's always good.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I pretty sure I don't have any phobias. Let me ponder this...

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