Is it normal to have a strong / strange urge to buy tiny cute, intricate things
I am a miniature / scale model / diorama hobbyist and I go crazy right from childhood if i see some teeny tiny, itty bitty things, particularly animal toye, etc. Dollhouse things are so awesomely made and I want to.. i dont know buy a lot of it, keep looking at its cuteness etc :D lol. i dont know how to explain it but I am made about them and will be looking at their pics all day. Attached a pic which I made some time ago ! Do you like it ? do you all have this type of urge ? I am 24, male but my this desire for toys and dolls is like that of a child. Is it normal ?" Is it that some part within me didnt "grow up" ?! Oh, I am gay by the way !