Is it normal to have a strong / strange urge to buy tiny cute, intricate things

I am a miniature / scale model / diorama hobbyist and I go crazy right from childhood if i see some teeny tiny, itty bitty things, particularly animal toye, etc. Dollhouse things are so awesomely made and I want to.. i dont know buy a lot of it, keep looking at its cuteness etc :D lol. i dont know how to explain it but I am made about them and will be looking at their pics all day. Attached a pic which I made some time ago ! Do you like it ? do you all have this type of urge ? I am 24, male but my this desire for toys and dolls is like that of a child. Is it normal ?" Is it that some part within me didnt "grow up" ?! Oh, I am gay by the way !

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88% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • KaviTavi

    I think it's normal. Cute things sell.

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  • obsessivegayperfectionistguy

    I have the exactly same 'thing'!!

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  • bibiblocksberg

    I know what you mean. I think liking cute things is normal for everyone who is happy. Not necessarily to that extent but maybe that just means youre an especially happy person. which is really good and im happy for you. there is no point in ever giving up being happy because of the nastyness in the world otherwise youre only encouraging it.

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    We would be besties :D :D

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