Is it normal to have a weird fear of anything to do with water?

ever since i can remember i have always been afraid of water that i cant see to the bottom of. im also been afraid of dark water. the worst part is that i am DEATHLY afraid of fish, just the sight of them makes my skin crawl. i know people have fears but i will literally run out of a room if a see a fish, even just the smell freaks me out. its gotten so bad that i cant even watch movies like finding nemo or go on the animated rides at like disney that haave fish in them. i cant even eat in the school cafeteria if they are selling fish. i know it sounds weird but its annoying and i wish i could stop freaking out! IIN?

You are over reacting 8
danng, your f****d up!!!! 12
yeah who cares, get over it 8
its normal 10
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  • myownopinions

    aquaphobia, the most common specific phobia = normal in the sense that phobias are both common and weird.

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