Is it normal to have an addiction to old ds games?

I am addicted to playing a lot of older ds games, sometimes I like to play online on them still but on the unofficial servers. I play,play,play on my old DS that has got dust for many years ( which I am too lazy to clean. )

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Clunk42

    I've never thought of the DS as old. It's really not that old. If you want old, go play a Gamboy, some DOS games, or something.

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  • ibuythedrugs

    Do you play Animal Crossing WW? That was one of the first online console games I played. I would search random friend codes online then go to others' towns wearing my naked outfit or kkk outfit, and teach their villagers curse words.

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    • Somenormie

      I have a used copy of that.

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