Is it normal to have an art pile?

Ill clean my house and set all my laundry in a pile and I also have a pile for art. I call it my art pile and its full of jeans, random wires, broken headphones, pennies, shower racks, things I find on the floor, paint, glue, etc.
Idk is that weird?

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45% Normal
Based on 22 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Ummitsstillme

    Art huh? I imagine this is the beginning of being a hoarder.

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  • Back when I had a art talent and was really good at it I would have this box of art stuff I’d keep including pipe cleaners and random things that would work great making something with. I’d take things that didn’t matter much and make something out of it. And extra things I’d put in the pile of junk art stuff to use again some day. So I feel like this is normal for a artist to do this unless it’s turning into some hoarding pile not being touched. I mean it’s nice to have something you need right in the pile when you need it but their is a such thing as a to much and depending what your picking up how much of it and maybe even what it is. But for the most part this seems totally normal to me.

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  • ghostsalad

    you should make a collage out of those things!

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  • paracetamol

    Sounds alright

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    • ghostsalad

      Unrelated, is your username based off of a song?

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      • paracetamol

        "Paracetamol" is the name of a medicine, it also goes by the name tylenol, acetaminophen, panadol etc.

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        • Ah, that explains why you always did like to recommend people take drugs.

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          • paracetamol


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