Is it normal to have confusing nightmares?

I very often dream very confusing and scary stuff. In advance: probably it is less scary for you than for me.

One dream, for example, was about my paralysis and around my bed were people dressed in black, muttering something. You couldn't see their faces, but they had similarities with a sect or monks. They stood around my bed muttering and then poured animal excrement over me. Then they held hands and sang children's songs. Then they pissed on each other, told me that I was going to die and wished me a nice day.

Another time I was standing in the middle of a forest and suddenly the minister of the interior stood behind me with a knife and went "Brrrrr" like a horse and wanted to kill me because the NSA told him so. And again and again he stressed that this was my mother's kitchen knife. That I would never see it again unless I stopped to listen to him.

In another dream I was playing mind games with an employee of a finance company who, as I later discovered, was the girlfriend of my mother who had been raped by my father who had conceived me in this way and indirectly included me in his will because he believed he had no children. I don't even know why I called that woman. I just wanted to check if my application was received, then she came on to me and yelled at me what I wanted from her at this time of day. In the end she told me that I had a screw loose and that she would call the police if I did not stop. She called the police, but when I called the police, they were confused and I didn't understand what they wanted from me. Then suddenly they knew my name for no reason, so I lived in a dumpster to cover my tracks.
In the end I killed my father and inherited his fortune, but was unhappy with it and blackmailed my mother's girlfriend.

Idk but thats not me, I swear.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Clunk42

    I wonder how many people are going to ask whether it's normal or not to have weird dreams before everyone realizes it is.

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    • If your dreams are based on what you see during the day, it is normal too?

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      • Clunk42


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        • So if my employer is on the phone with the NSA and wants to do an employee screening to torture disloyal employees, that is normal. I didn't think it was that common. That's good to know.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Fistly "They stood around my bed muttering and then poured animal excrement over me. Then they held hands and sang children's songs. Then they pissed on each other, told me that I was going to die and wished me a nice day." Hot.

    Dude, do you think that one could have been sleep paralysis? I used to get it a lot when I did ecstasy like drugs. If it is, and you have anther episode then wiggle your little toe until your foot wakes up then wiggle your foot.

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  • KholatKhult

    Dreams are untouchable.
    I do a lot of murder and brain mashing in my dreams but I’m not about to go do any of that shit.

    There’s no rhyme or reason to any dream, don’t stress about it. Although I know that’s hard because dreams can be really traumatic or bring back triggering memories.

    Sorry man, I feel like some people just get unlucky and handed a bad card when it comes to dreams. This sounds dumb, but try watching a children’s cartoon before bed. Just like 15 minutes of fluffy PG whimsical stuff can set your brain on a good track for the night.

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    • I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll have a brainwashing dream instead that I can live with..

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