Is it normal to have fear of traveling to the future?

I wonder who would travel to the future if offered. A hundred years from now. A thousand years from now or maybe Five? This notion bears a charge for me and makes me uneasy. Am I alone with this fear and IIN?

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54% Normal
Based on 24 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • dickwashington

    did you ever see the movie idiocracy because thats definitely what the future is going to be

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  • thegypsysailor

    I'd certainly go forward in time if given the chance, but if given the choice, I'd prefer to go back in time.

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    • daydreamer394

      Living in the past, eh?

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      • thegypsysailor

        Not at all. If I had the choice, I'd be Mal on Firefly, or at least partnered with him on my own ship, but since I don't, I'll sail a clipper ship round Cape Horn, on the race to England with my holds full of tea.
        You've no dreams at all?

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        • daydreamer394

          Ah, too many.

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  • Nokiot9

    Our knowledge of physics will undoubtedly evolve. Time and space are such simple things, yet so difficult for us to wrap our heads around. Quantum mechanic, the very small, or universal physics, size on a galactic scale. We have a hard time, as humans, understanding these things. When I try to conceptualize the end of the universe or what the hell is inside an electron... by brain just hits a wall lol. It says "deeerrrrrr you want me to do what?!" Time travel paradoxes will be solvable. Either by entering other parallel dimensions or just going so damn. Fast that time around you slows and when you stop, 100 years has passed. That's sort of time travel. And if we could go that fast without disintegrating we would.

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  • gashlover

    If you are intrigued by this concept, which Einstein proved it's possible, circa 1905. Believe it or not, the US got their grubby little hands on this technology in the last century. Look up Andrew Basiago on youtube and also Al Bielek. Very interesting! Andrew Basiago's father worked for the CIA black ops technology in the 60's and he was introduced into the certain programs. You ought to listen to his account before you just assume it's hogwash. Al Bielek worked at Montauk in NY. To me, given that Einstein proved it was possible over 100 years ago, it's totally plausible that the technology would have been secretly made. After listening to these men's accounts, I think it's entirely believable.

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  • xoemilyox

    I'm the same way! I think for me it's the fear of the unknown, which is one of the many reasons why I would LOVE to travel back in time, where I actually know what's going to happen and we're not going to die from a nuclear war or something ;)

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  • DannyKanes

    I would. Hands down. I'd go a thousand years into the future tomorrow if I could.

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    • shuggy-chan

      Well when you met a robot named Bender Rodriguiez tell me

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  • megadriver

    Does your question include an option of going into the future and then coming back? If yes, than hell yeah I would.

    Millions upon millions of sweet Euros, here I come XD
    Realizing my business ideas and driving my dream cars. Maybe a world trip with my girlfriend too...

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  • seekelp

    "This notion bears a charge for me and makes me uneasy." Is this notion a battery? Are you worried someone is going to force you to go to the future?

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