Is it normal to have frequent dreams of being shot dead?

I have dreams of me being ran up on with guns. One of my dreams I was just checking the mail, when all of a sudden I hear something. I turn around and see a man pointing a gun at me, so I instantly run away but to no avail. I get shot in the head and everything goes dark and numb. That’s about as much as I can remember. Another incident was where I was in my own backyard. I spotted a clown in someone else’s backyard almost stalking something. I hide and spot his every moves. The clown then makes it on top of my lawn, and as I’m hiding doesn’t see me. As the clown was about to leave, I yell something and that drives his direction back to me. I act as if I have a gun and make noises with my mouth, the clown then proceeds to take cover right in front of my hideout. Then notice something, the clown has an assault rifle! Knowing this I try my hardest to scare him away with my fake gun noises, but the clown eventually realizes my plans, steps out of his cover and shoots me multiple times, leaving me dead in my own backyard. Usually when I “die” I have an out of body experience where I am alive and see how the world reacts to my death. It’s pretty interesting.

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78% Normal
Based on 9 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • kelili

    I saw the scene while reading it and it is funny and frightening. Maybe because I'm thinking of Pennywise.

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  • brutus

    I have frequent dreams of failing in my exams.

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    • Just dreams ?

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      • brutus

        Yeah just dreams. I graduated a long time ago.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've gotten shot in dreams, but it didn't scare me, or hurt or anything.

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    • Oh really? Yah it doesn’t hurt. But for me it feels like a numbing sensation. Do you think about death a lot? Why do you think you get shot In your dreams?

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      • RoseIsabella

        I used to be very suicidally depressed, and have been off, and on throughout the course of my life since I was a teenager. I honestly don't remember why I was shot in my dream, but it didn't kill me, and it didn't seem to bother me much to be honest.

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  • Jamforlife2010

    Your feelings guilty about something. Either ask for forgiveness or don’t feel guilty about it. Guilt will eat you alive.

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