Is it normal to have had 6 abortions over 25 years? it's legal here (australia)

I have ALWAYS used at least one of the following methods of birth control (the pill, the morning after pill, condom, diaphragm, female condom, withdrawal, rhythm method, Billings method) but I have become pregnant many times. I have one child. is it normal normal to have had that many abortions in a liberal country like Australia where it's been legal since the sixties? Every single one of my abortions have been an embryo less than two weeks old. I "get in quick" so that I don't have to feel guilty about killing a mini-person, which I would if it was more than 3 months old.
A friend of mine has had 10 abortions. Is she normal?

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 440 votes (97 yes)
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Comments ( 140 )
  • GrayGhost352

    Sounds like you need a membership card to the abortion clinic hahaha.

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    • lufa


      As for the OP, its fine if you're having abortions early, but use contraception. You could end up with serious health problems potentially.

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  • Ixu

    Ever considered getting tubes tied?

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    • Lynxikat


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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      WHy would she get her tubes tied? Maybe she would like to have kids one day.

      What a woman does with her body is her business. Most women generally don't have that many abortions but sometimes precautions don't work and some women get pregnant so easily.

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      • Ixu

        I only said consider it, not that it's her final and only option.

        Or perhaps abort and then donate to science! :D Instead of having them trashed, have them go to a useful cause.

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        • Sailor_Cosmos

          I know some clinics will take the tissue they remove from the woman for the stem cells and for other research. I don't see anything wrong with that if it can contribute to technology to help people in need.

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          • Ixu

            Wow that would be very awkward in my country. I live in a backwards hick town where there are big signs saying "Abortion is Murder" and "Jeezuss loves everyone".. "Blerghdiblehbleehh!!" It sickens me that we have an overpopulation issue and people are still behaving so primitively about such matters

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  • dom180

    I think so, you've probably just been unlucky with getting pregnant when you're not ready despite taking precaution. The withdrawal method is a terrible way of preventing pregnancy by the way, and the Billings and rhythm methods aren't a lot better. There's a reason why condoms and the pill are the most common forms of contraception; it's because they're the most effective.

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  • iezegrim

    Your two-week old embryo is way smaller than an ant with an even smaller brain. Ironically, the people calling you a murderer would step on thousands of ants in their lifetime and probably eat meat every day. Slaughtering many full grown pigs per year for their family's dinner plate is fine but killing something smaller than an ant once every four years makes you a serial baby murderer? Full grown pigs are a million times more intelligent and sentient than a two-week old human embryo. It's no wonder that abortion clinics get bombed in the US but nowhere else in the world.

    This post illustrates that morality is relative to culture. I am also Australian and I can tell you that it's completely normal for women to have had at least one and often several abortions by the time they reach menopause. Six is quite a lot so you must either have been very sexually active, very fertile or irresponsible with your contraception. Prostitutes tend to have a lot of abortions, so without being rude, were you a working girl?

    In Russia, abortion is considered just another form of contraception. That was true 20 years ago. As to whether it's still true now, you'd have to ask a Russian sexually-active female or gynaecologist. Coming from my culture, I think that's abhorrent as it's a last resort, not a lifestyle but one every four years, as you have done, is obviously not a lifestyle and nor, as you've indicated, have you used it as your form of contraception.

    I can't imagine that sucking out something the size of an ant with one of those abortion "vacuum cleaners" that they use is going to do any serious and irreversible damage to your body.

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      I agree with everything you said.

      I know of a few women who would rather have an abortion than take birth control pills which can have adverse health effects.

      Sounds like the girl who made the post just had some bad luck and gets pregnant easily. It happens.

      What people do with their bodies is their business.

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    • sega31098

      Because in Christianity, the life of an animal is inferior to an unborn baby.

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  • Sog

    Withdrawal, Rhythm Method, and Billings Method are not forms of birth control. They are only old wive's tales. No wonder you got pregnant so many times.

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  • Energy

    Your body, your rules. I don't care. None of anyone's business but yours.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Well I don't know if it's illegal (as I'm not Australian) but the fact that you're on here almost bragging about how many abortions you had is certainly imorale and sickening. You seem to think that because you abort your babies 3 weeks after conception that this ok, but a baby is a baby from the miraculous moment of conception and no amount of posts will convince me otherwise.
    Some people would give their sole to the devil just for one chance to given the gift of a beautiful baby and here you are I'll say it again bragging (or so it seems) So that more innocent lives are not lost I would suggest you change your contraception as it is quite clearly not working. If you do not use contraception I would advise that you do so because abortions should not be used a form on contraception.
    As for your friend 10 abortions not normal but I wont start on about that as I will be here all night. x

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      She is not bragging about having an abortion she just wants to know if it is out of the norm! That's all!

      A baby is not a miracle. Unless you have been told you will never have one, even then! A baby is just part of nature like a tree growing in your yard or a spider spinning its web.

      Now if a MAN got pregnant that would be an effing miracle! Hahaha

      Innocent lives are lost? How can something that is undeveloped be considered an innocent life! Its just a clump of cells! Some women get pregnant and miscarry and dont even know that they were pregnant thats how undeveloped an early stage zygote is.

      You pro life people are a bunch of conservative bastards who just hate women at the end of the day and have no respect for the decision a woman makes about her body. Its funny to that the conservatives who are against abortion and want it illegal are not willing to support government funded programs that would offer women pre natal care, or subsidised daycare, or other forms of support for single mothers. I would like to see you go out and adopt a bunch of babies born to mothers who didnt want them.

      Also making abortion illegal will not stop it from happening. Every year hundreds of thousands of women die world wide from illegal unsafe abortions in countries where they cannot get a safe, legal abortion, By being against abortion you are pretty much condemning women to die. You are also forcing the continued suffering of rape and incest victims who are pregnant by their attackers. You are also denying women with certain medical conditions the right to abort to save themselves!

      Look at what just happened to that Indian lady who was living in Ireland. She was miscarrying and asked for an abortion. The doctors told her that it was a Catholic country and that they would not abort because the fetus still had a heart beat. She suffer in terrible pain and died and left her poor husband a widow. This woman didn't have to die.

      Abortion has been around since the dawn of time, and it will always be around. Keep it safe and legal. Be in favour of women's rights!!!!!

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      • SeverusFan23

        You hit the nail right on the head. You are absolutely correct. Pro-Lifers? HA! More like Anti-Choicers!

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        • Ibelievethis

          Is it so wrong for me to promote the life of an innocent unborn child. Did I miss something. Yes I am pro life and proud. x

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          • Ellenna

            I know this is an old entry and that you'll probably never read this, but I just had to respond to you.

            A foetus is not a child, a foetus is not a child, a foetus is not a child! Don't you get it?

            I find the change in language by Right to Lifers over the years very interesting: they used to go on about "unborn babies" now it's "unborn children" and I've even heard them referring to a foetus as a "human being" - sorry, it's not any such thing. It has the potential to become a human being, but the woman in whose body it's been conceived IS a human being and should not be subjected to compulsory motherhood by ANYONE

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            • Ibelievethis

              No I don't get it Ellenna, and I never will.
              And a baby is a baby from the moment he/she is conceived.
              No use trying to change my view as it'll never happen.

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      • Ibelievethis

        I'm not going to argue with you and I do respect your views and I am not here to change your views just as you have no right to change my views.
        I do believe that all babies are miracles whether you have been trying for 1 month or 10 years.
        I will not get into too much of a debate about abortions and yes people have their reasons and it is wrong to be closed minded as we can't compare women who use abortions as contraception and believe me they are out there to a women who became pregnant from rape. That said though if I was raped there would be no question that I would keep the baby. I would see it as something good out of something bad. As it is my personal belief that a mother should love her child unconditionally.(That's just my view though and you are free to disagree.) I'm not stupid I know abortions are not going to go away and we could debate on her all night and some people who agree with me and others would agree with you. I response to paragraph 3. I lost a baby when I was 6 weeks pregnant (4 weeks conception). I still see my beautiful baby as human being someone I had created and never a clump of cells.and no amount of posts will convince me otherwise.
        I do agree with you that if men had babies the population would come to a shuddering halt. There's no doubt about that.
        Also I vote labour not conservative. I don't know why voting prefences were brought into it. xx

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        • Sailor_Cosmos

          I'm not trying to change your views either. The problem I have with people who are pro life is that they also tend to be judgemental. If you are pro life and see a clump of cells as a human being thats fine, but it is WRONG to judge anymore who is pro choice or who has had an abortion.

          I also lost a baby when I was 8 weeks pregnant...what came out of me was a clump of cells with no awareness, no face nothing human about it. A zygote is not a human being. Its the potential for human life but it is definitely not the same as a baby or as losing a baby. The two cannot be compared. And it is silly to get upset over it as it is typical to miscarry in that stage of pregnancy and most women will miscarry in their life time some with out even knowing they were pregnant to begin with. May sound insensitive but thats the harsh reality. There are bigger more important things in life to worry about. But again MY opinion. You dont have to take what i say to heart.

          Politics has A LOT to do with pro-life and pro-choice views. It is always the right wingers who are pro life as they tend to let their moral and religious beliefs filtrate into their politics and political policies. And it is vary true that many pro-life conservatives do not support programs to help mothers and children. If you vote liberal that good for you. At least your vote might help get the government to sponsor some programs to help mothers and babies making it easier for women to have children.

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    • *shakes head* Pro-Life people. *tisks 3 times.* Always getting their panties twisted in a knot for such a trivial thing....sad.

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      • Ibelievethis

        In wont offer any apologies for being against abortions. A trivial thing you say well the last time I checked abortions were not trivial.

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      • kelili

        I've tried to reply to the PMs you've sent but you have to unblock me first.

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        • I've unblocked you.

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        • petubaby

          I agree with the majority that says u shud change ur contreception method. Its really not working. And I hope the guilt caches up with you some time later in life. And who knows maybe those where your last kids . Think about it.

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          • Sailor_Cosmos

            OMG! How dare you! The guilt at what? Women have abortions because they DO NOT WANT TO BE PREGNANT OR HAVE A BABY! What is there to feel guilty about? Especially such an early stage abortion where the fetus is just a zygote?! Its a clump of cells it has no awareness! Its none the wiser!

            I think women who have had kids they cant care for or dont want should feel guilty because children born into that kind of life will most likely suffer in some way.

            Having an abortion is not a decision to be taken lightly even if you have had one more than once. It is very wrong of you to pass your judgement on anyone. It is also wrong to say those might be her last kids. Early term abortions are safer than giving birth and rarely, rarely cause a woman to become infertile.

            SHAME ON YOU! You have a lot of nerve! I had an abortion and it was the SMARTEST decision I have ever made and I do not regret it AT ALL!

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            • petubaby

              What eva !

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          • kelili

            Are you okay??? This was posted by an australian and last time I checked I was a Mauritian. You should familiarise with the site before posting comment. What made you think that OP and I are the same persons?

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            • petubaby

              Hey no need to attack me , I'm new at this . So I had no idea . I'm sorry , cnt ppl make mistakes ? Geeeez!

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  • disthing

    Considering the majority of women have fewer than one abortion in their lifetime, it's not normal to have had 6 in 25 years.

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  • littlepanda

    What's anormal here is not the fact that you got abortions, and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is legal or not. I just do not understand how after your second time of getting an abortion you did not get a real contraceptive. I mean it is usually hard psychologically and you should maybe consider a tubal ligation surgery, so you will no more have to endure this.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Seriously something wrong with whatever protection you are using. I agree that you might want to get your tubes tied or plant your eggs in the bank. If you have no eggs and it is so hard to not get pregnant this might help. Put your eggs in a bank and you can pick them up later. This will let you have sex whenever you want and with nothing to fertilize the sperm will die. That or tying your tubes tied but people getting fixed sometimes still report it not working. So with your poor luck I think you should take away the eggs to make sure.

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  • forevergirl

    Abortion should never be used as a birth control method

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    • Thebend

      I remember the first time somebody told to me what an abortion was. I was about 13. As I listened to the explanation, the thought of my mother being able to do that to me repulsed me. What I am saying is that at 13 I knew that she should not have the power of life or death over me. I came to life at conception, and ceased to be part of her body. I am not religeous, and have looked at both sides of the argument, and my veiw has not changed.

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      • Lonely2

        Yeah at 13 you knew but not at 3 months

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    • SeverusFan23

      that's your opinion.

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  • sahtiwaari

    You girls really should buy some condoms, you know '-'

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  • blue_burr

    I say get your tubes tied. 6 abortions later you want another kid??? Hmmmm...... Adopt one!? I'm sure the condom don't break every time!! Maybe your not putting it on right. or your having hardcore ruthless sex. I think your first child should be takin away and your tubes should be tied. You must be feeling guilty in some way or you wouldn't have brought it up and obviously you don't care much about the privacy or whatever or you would have asked people for their options.

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    • charli.m

      Why the fuck should her kid have been taken away? Six abortions certainly isn't something I'd do, but doing that does not in any way make her a bad mother. She has not mentioned anything about her parenting.

      I agree birth control should have been looked at more carefully, but I certainly don't agree with taking a child away purely because of a few choices a mother has made that in no way affect the child.

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  • theytookthisone

    You're very fertile. I have yet to get that problem

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    • Ibelievethis

      Hi, I totally understand where you're coming from. It seems that those who don't want to be blessed with children only have to look at a man and they're pregnant whereas those like yourself who would dearly love to be a mum have difficulty concieving. Why is there so much unfairness int he world. xx

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    LOL I like that you call Australia a liberal country because it has abortion. A say thats a totally normal thing. Somewhere like the US where it's like frowned upon is ULTRA conservative.

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  • Blue_Velvet

    6 abortions? Most people have learned their lesson by their 1st..

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    • VioletTrees

      What lesson? "Don't ever have sex"?

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      • Blue_Velvet

        *Slaps forhead* What i meant was that she should be more careful the next time. Does it ring a bell now?

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        • VioletTrees

          She said she'd been using protection, though.

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  • suddenlycauliflower

    I think it's your business alone what you do with your body. Sure, to me, 6 abortions seems like a lot, but whether it's NORMAL is simply not my place to say.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Take it up the arse instead 100% foolproof way of not getting a bun in the oven.

    It's not a science rocket.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Anal is not fool-proof against pregnancy, sperm, and even pre-cum containing sperm can leak into the vagina and impregnate the woman. Unusual but it does happen.

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    • acidlor

      Actually, I sort of agree with this. Maybe not the way you said it, but yeah. Anal can be nice. It doesn't feel the same way that sex does, but it can feel really good. My favorite is doing a lot of foreplay, fingering, clitoral stimulation, all that jazz, and then leading up to anal. That way everything is all "in the mood" down there. lol

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  • howaminotmyself

    Are you serious? Your poor uterus. A little surprised it still functions. I don't think this is normal. Abortions and the morning after pill are not forms of birth control.

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    • VioletTrees

      They said they've been using other forms of birth control, though.

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    • jucedaguy

      I'm with you here howa, her poor poor uterus. It has copped a belting!

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      You obviously have no clue how safe abortions really are. You also have no clue what the morning after pill is. The morning after pill or Plan B (which is the brand name) IS A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL. Its a form of emergency birth control granted, and if used too often loses its effect. All this pill does is prevent an egg from being fertilized and from attached to the uterine lining. Its not an abortion pill which is totally different and is called a medical abortion and which is to be used after you find out you are pregnant.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Yeah, I was being a little dramatic. But six is still a lot, regardless of safety. (Obviously they are safe.)

        And calling me clueless is a little rude. Thanks for assuming you know me. Shall I make some assumptions of you based on this one comment? No, I wouldn't do that.

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        • Sailor_Cosmos

          The fact that you said your poor uterus shows that you really dont know how safe legal abortions are. If you knew what the morning after pill is you would not have known that it is indeed a form of emergency birth control and should be used as such, just not too too often. If you did know these facts you would never have said what you said plain and simple.

          And now you know. If I sounded rude sorry, but at least now you know what's what.

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          • howaminotmyself

            No, you aren't sorry. It was intentional. And you're still being rude. But I think it will pass with time.

            I did confuse the morning after pill with the abortion pill, my mistake. And "poor uterus" was me being dramatic. Since you don't know me, I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand what that means.

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            • Sailor_Cosmos

              Not rude...annoyed... Its just amazing how many people make comments when they dont know what they are talking about!

              Anyway like I said at least now you know.

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            • Sailor_Cosmos

              Seeing as you blocked me I will gladly have the last word on here instead.

              The fact that I didn't remember what I said to you just proves how insignificant our conversation actually was. Nothing more, nothing less. Now get over it.


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  • SuperBenzid

    I would say it is normal.

    I wouldn't worry, we take the brain dead off of life support with no problem. As we know intrinsically that consciousness equals life. A zygote or young fetus has no consciousness and therefore no life.

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    • Devyn

      I'm afraid this argument isn't water tight. While a brain dead person on life support will never regain conciousness, the embryo is very likely to gain conciousness within a few months.

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      • SuperBenzid

        Same argument could be made for sperm in a condom or taking birth control pills. You are eliminating things that one of which will likely gain consciousness eventually.

        Either it is moral to control birth or it is immoral to control birth. I hold that it is moral and abortion is one way of controlling birth.

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        • VioletTrees

          I agree. If eliminating the possibility of creating a human life is immoral, wouldn't it be just as immoral to not have sex in the first place? Wouldn't it be immoral to menstruate instead of getting pregnant, as menstruation disposes of eggs that would otherwise very likely become conscious?

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      You are brilliant!

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  • serpenteye

    I do not believe that anyone should have that much abortions in that much time. I think the limit for abortions (on purpose not from rape or any other forced sexual contact) should be 3.

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    • VioletTrees

      The thing is, even if everybody were using contraception completely correctly and responsibly, this would still happen sometimes. It's unlikely for it to happen to any given person, but there are so many people in the world that it's practically inevitable that there will be some people whose contraception fails more than three times.

      May I ask why, exactly, you don't think anybody should have that many abortions? I'm curious about your reasoning.

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  • stupidassholeguy

    This sounds VERY FAKE. if it's not, I wonder why this person really dosn't want kids, she murderd them all before they were born. Poor kids.

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    • Abortion isn't murder. Stop with the "poor babies, that "bitch" is a "baby killer" nonsense. You pro-lifers are a joke.

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      • stupidassholeguy

        It is a developing person, so technically it is a person, meaning it's murder. Plus, I don't care what anyone really thinks of my opinions on abortion. No one will change them.

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        • No it isn't. IT IS NOT MURDER. You can't murder the yet-to-be-born.

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          • stupidassholeguy

            It is perpously taking someone's life away, wich fits the discription of murder. Even if they're not born yet, it is perpously ending someone's life, meaning it's murder. Think about that.

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            • SeverusFan23

              It's not murder. Murder is killing someone that has been born. You can't change a pro-choicer's mind.

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        • Sailor_Cosmos

          No technically it IS NOT a person. A fetus is not recognized as a person under the law.

          And I'm sorry but No WOMB NO OPINION!

          Men who are against abortions will never be pregnant or know what its like to have to make this type of decision. They can't possible even imagine how hard it can be and they have no right to judge anyone.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's fake. If abortion really is so normal there, it would make sense for people to have multiple abortions and not be seen as immoral.

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      • stupidassholeguy

        I would have said it was fake if I was for abortions. Dosn't someone having 6 abortions sound a little bit fake to you? I think I'll go tag this as fake right now...

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  • Rick_Bawls

    You are going to hell, you slut!

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    • Shut up religious nut.

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    • Sailor_Cosmos


      I sincerely doubt you are without sin.

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    • stupidassholeguy

      FINALLALY! Someone else agenst abortions.

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      • SeverusFan23

        *shakes head* Pro-Lifers will never learn...pity.

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  • blue_burr

    I just think its very selfish to have had 6 abortion and I'm sure she's going to have more and already having a child. I think shes a little more busy doing other things. And the time and what not..... Doesn't even really matter. Her child's gonna learn about mommys past and I hope she learns and thinks horribly of you!! Not as a person but for what you did.

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  • pauldiggy

    wow, that is terrible! And men still don't have the right to tell their woman to get an abortion when they knock the bitch up?! And there is people like this woman on the loose?! Fuck that!

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  • stupidassholeguy

    Why does no one exept me and I'msupernormal relize this is probibly fake. 6 abortions, bullshit. This person also isn't making Austrailia look good place to some of us. I hope this is not normal there or anywhere else. Does anyone out thinks abortion is wrong? (like me)

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    • kelili

      I know a girl who have had more than six and she's twenty-two. I'M NOT LYING!!! And here it's illegal.

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      • stupidassholeguy

        Why did she get them? Well, at least there's one country where it's illeagle.

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        • kelili

          She did not take any contraceptives and she was going out with a jerk who fucked her without thinking of the consequences.

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  • CheyChey

    That's not normal and "going in early" doesn't make it okay, murder is still murder liberal country or not six abortions my goodness don't you feel guilty.

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    • stupidassholeguy

      You're right. Please help back me up in an arguement a little bit up the page.

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      • CheyChey

        Finally someone who agrees with me, everyone is pro choice these days. I think you held your own in that argument lol solid points.

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        • stupidassholeguy

          I agree on that. Why does the general public support abortion so much? It's good to finally come across someone who is on my side in this whole issue. Also, do you think this post is fake?

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          • CheyChey

            They support it because they are idiots hahaha. I have my suspicions it might be fake 6 abortions? that's a bit unrealistic and here friend who had 10? so they are a bunch of really fertile people. fake

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            • stupidassholeguy

              Hey, let's start a group on this page that tries to convince pro-choicers it's wrong and this is fake. Like a united group of people. What should we call it?

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  • Imsupernormal

    My troll sense is tingling

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    • stupidassholeguy

      Mine too.

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      • Bubbles-for-life

        Same here ;x

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Give up sex altogether, and find your place in the convent!

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  • Faceless

    Um, way to go? I dont fn know.

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  • Jfdp

    Not my place to tell you whats what, bu six abortions?, six? ,if youre under 25 like most of the people on this sight, it may be time to give your life a long hard look, starting withn your sex choses

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  • luicyyou

    Eww your uterus must be sore

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  • Jessicaahhhh

    I'm completely pro-choice, but see a doctor about alternative methods of Contraception. It's not good for your body or your mind to be doing this!

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  • blue_burr

    Try toys then you won't get knocks up.

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  • blue_burr

    Mistake? 6 abortions later and it's a mistake. Sounds more like routine!!? A mistake is when someone has an abortion maybe once..... and takes every step to not make the same 'mistake' again specially an abortion. Taking something out of you that you know it's going to grow into a child. wether you want to say its living or not. It needs blood to survive oxygen too right? hmmm that's not living? Whatever either way every time you fuck you know there's that chance to get knocked up. It's not put in side of u on accident YOUR putting it there every time you lay down and spread your legs and let him cum inside of you. 6 abortions maybe you should lay of the sex a little, huh? I mean I'm not telling you what to do its just common sense. There's got to something that works other then abortion. Hmmm.......... Think about what that child might look like and what could be in life if you didn't take its life away.

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  • LordHawHaw

    It's terrible because in a way it is murder. However I believe it is better to have an abortion and save those babies from a life with a mother like you.

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  • kaki

    r u and ur friend both whores

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  • Djtia

    It seems like you've had an awful lot of bad luck. It's not for me to judge. I've always been pro-choice, but I'm not sure that I could go through with one myself, as much as I don't want kids. I'm lucky that my birth control over the years (pill, implant, IUD) has been effective for me.
    To all those that say abortion is murder, what about the IUD? It doesn't always prevent a pregnancy, it just makes the womb so thin that if pregnancy should occur, the embryo can't actually implant in to anything. At that rate, birth control must be murder also.

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  • If abortion is murder = so what, I killed some people.

    If abortion isn't murder = so what, I did it.

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    If abortion is murder than GUILTY AS CHARGED! No regrets no looking back and if I got pregnant again DAMN RIGHT I AM HEADING STRAIGHT TO THE CLINIC!!! I am not ready for a baby! And of that makes me a murderer than that's fine. I'd rather be though of as a "baby killer" than a delinquent mother!

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    • SeverusFan23

      You're not a murderer because abortion isn't murder. Don't let what people say get to you. They are anti-choicers, not pro-lifers. They may WANT you to give birth but they don't give a damn about the baby otherwise. If they did, they would HELP you rear that child. Murder is killing someone who's already been born.

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      • Sailor_Cosmos

        I couldnt agree more and I really dont care what any of these anti-choicer have to say. They can take their propaganda and shove it! As long as my choices do not affect their lives they shouldnt care. Its not their business. No one is telling them not to have their beliefs they can and its fine. They just need to stop pushing their beliefs on people and need to stop judging women who have had abortions. They are in no position to judge anyone, especially if they have never had to chose or are men and will NEVER have to choose.

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        • SeverusFan23


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  • blue_burr

    There's something wrong with you!! Maybe you should just get your tubes tied if your just going to keep killing them. Or better yet just get your uterus removed.

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  • eyeluvtolikpucee

    100% in favour of abortions and the parents right to choose if they are willing and able to be good parents or not and despise pro-life people pushing the ideas read in some fictional story on to people (as if there is not enough starving abused neglected children in the world we need to force people to have unwanted kids - if your imaginary friend called god didnt want abortions he wouldnt have given man the ability to perform them


    6 in 50 years even is really 5 too many, seriously if the numerous avail birth control options fail then get the morning after pill please, there really is no need to have 6 unless it is health related.

    After the THIRD you should have started to use AT LEAST 2 forms of birth control with 1 being condoms or the pill pref. both!!!!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Wow, each embryo was only 2 weeks old? You must be seriously precise and on the ball with those pregnancy tests ma'am. I mean, I know it's totally possible to test with that kind of precision but exactly 2 weeks and 6 times? That's impressive.

    Oh yeah, the ethical issue. Yeah whatever. I know a few people that have had over 6 but most women I know that have had abortions have only had 1 or 2. I'm not a fan of it, but hey. 2 weeks... that's insane.

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    • wigsplitz

      You normally miss the first period at 2 weeks so it's not that implausible.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    if this is true then it's pretty much proof that some people use it as birth control rather than a "life saving operation" that the pro-choice fans like to claim it's used for.

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    • SeverusFan23

      Does it really matter if they use abortion as a concraceptive or not? I'm a pro-choicer so I agree to it. I don't care what my fellow women use it for.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        actually no - to me it's murder either way.

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        • stupidassholeguy

          Please support me in an argument on this page. I think the same way.

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          • moomus

            Personally I am against it as well, unless its necessary to mothers health or rape

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            • stupidassholeguy

              I don't know about health, but I can understand a woman getting one because of rape. Abortion shouldn't be used as birth control like this woman does. I think abortion is cruel murder.

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          • SeverusFan23

            No. Do not tag-team. Tag-Team arguments are never fair. Who are you arguing with by the way?

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            • stupidassholeguy

              I was actually replying angle_in_a_glass_dress. I belive abortion is never right, especally when it's done just because the person dosn't want a kid, like in this case.

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        • SeverusFan23

          That's your opinion. Fine. I can't change your mind.

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  • SeverusFan23

    Yeah it's normal. I see nothing wrong with Abortion. But why are you sharing this?

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Morning after failed? Have you made sure the guy uses a condom? You must have the worst luck ever.

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  • kelili


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  • stupidassholeguy

    This sets a record as "fakest post ever seen" in my whole almost 5 months here.

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  • alondraa435


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  • quietscreamer

    I've never had children but
    I plan to some day. I will say that maybe if you'd just have one child ya know just carried it for nine months and then gave birth and then held it you'd realize that somebody no matter the circumstance did that for you. Having a baby to me is like a nuclear bomb. They are way better but right when the bomb sets its done. No changes. I'm sure ud b a good mom. Every day a mother learns to raise her child. From age 1 to 100. Look at my mum she's not perfect but she had me and nnow she is appreciated

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