Is it normal to have headache like this
Aall day whenever i'm chewing a stabbing sensation hits my temple so intensively it feels like i'm going to pass out or something. Its excruciating pain. It lasts for less than a minute and then it stops but the rest of my head continues to ache (more the middle of my forehead mostly) for longer but not that intensively that it's completely debiliating. I've taken 2 aspirins today and neither made the headache stop. At the moment I got the stabbing in my temple nearly 2 hours ago, and then again about 10 minutes ago (and I took my second aspiring about an hour and a half ago) and right now my head hurts it hurts all around my head in my temples and my forehead down my nose and the back of my head and the top of my head. Everything hurts. Even my neck is starting to feel very tense and achy right now and there is no explanation for it.. I'm not too concerned because i'm prone to headaches but i've never experienced anything like those debiliating stabs in my temple before... It seem to happen when I chew, but not just then, and it's my right side temple which i've had some pain in before (last year some mornings I had a faint bruise over my right temple). I am concerned I am sick because this week I will be taking my second dose covid-19 vaccine and I think if you are sick you are not allowed to take it ? Hopefully it is just stress because I had a horrible day yesterday and stress is a migraine trigger for me but I find it concerning that aspirins don't help at all ? they usally do