Is it normal to have heart palpitations when you eat or at night?

I often have heart palpitations while or after I have eaten, or sometimes at night. I am very healthy and fit, and have gone to the doctor for it. I have an EKG and Blood tests, both of which came back clean. So, is this normal or should I seek the advice of a cardiologist?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 15 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • GettingStarted

    I've had something happen to me recently that I think is similar--very strong heart beat, like heart pounding. It especially happened when I ate a lunch that seemed really salty, and I had only drank coffee (with cream) that day and no water. My heart wouldn't slow down even after laying down for several minutes. It only slowed down after I drank a couple glasses of water, at least 16 ounces. The second time it happened was when I've eaten things with high amounts of sugar, like store bought cake. I researched online and I did see something about this on web md related to congestive heart failure and also diabetes.

    A close friend who is very healthy--cyclist, weight training, not overweight--had a heart attack at 35! He had plaque in his arteries despite his healthy lifestyle.

    I hope you're able to have it figured out!

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  • ggl3dde

    Weirdly I found out gluten caused this issue in me....only to find out the underlying cause was Lyme disease of all things. Definitely get checked out

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  • DolphinAngel

    Consider seeing a specialist on this again. It might be harmless or be of psychological cause and not a physical problem. You should get it checked (again) to be sure it's not a physical problem though.

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  • RoseIsabella

    My doctor told me I have an irregular heartbeat earlier this year, but I didn't start having palpitations til just this month.

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  • Anewbis

    This depends.

    Everyone's hearts skip beats and occasionally stop, so if you are very in touch with your own physiology then you are able to notice these things which most folks do not.

    On the other hand, if you haven't noticed these things your whole life then there could be a problem.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It certainly is NOT normal. Any history of cardiac problems in your family?
    A second opinion sure couldn't hurt.

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      I agree. That's how they found I have Congestive Heart Failure, so get to a specialist FAST.

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