Is it normal to have mixed feelings about australia returning to its roots?
As a prison colony? Probably best for the people living there. But sad that travel to Australia may be severely restricted in the future.
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As a prison colony? Probably best for the people living there. But sad that travel to Australia may be severely restricted in the future.
Yeah i'm never going back there again lol. It's become a Nazi regime and I don't think it will ever return to normal without a major civil war and lots of suffering.
You're obviously someone who hasn't not the first fucking clue about what a fascist regime actually looks like.
I also strongly suspect that you're one of those pathetically needy people on here who posts an OP, then replies non-anonymously to support the stupid opinion expressed in that OP.
I have a good idea about how fascist regimes started out and developed in the past, and this is exactly how it starts. I guess you just watch MSM, got your vaccine passport and think that this is all fine and the world totally isn't overreacting or becoming a totalitarian state over a virus with the same mortality rate as the flu.
And btw no, I actually haven't even posted any OP on this website yet lmao
Oh I'm sorry did nazi germany spring up overnight?
No it was a gradual change until the entire society fell into fascism. Like what we are seeing with these quarantine restrictions.
There is ALWAYS an excuse for authoritarianism. It's up to the people to say fuck authoritarianism.
Fuck authoritarianism.
Wait, what? I must have missed something. What is all this about Australia returning to it's roots?
Australia was originally a prison colony for the british. Cheap, mostly expendable labor. The remote location and far proximity made it ideal after the American colony dropped the colony part.
Australia today, by making actual authoritarian policies and laws is reverting the image of just being the more gutsy cousin of the canadians to being pretty much germany in the beginning stages of nazi rule.
They are currently building a quarantine zone in a far remote place and trying to pass it off as a good faith medical necessity. All the while breaking up ANY protest that peaceful Australians want to set up to say No to having such high restrictions as ironically forcing HARDER restrictions causes people do distrust the goverment even more, entrenching the other side to their viewpoint out of fear.
So while not its roots per say; the level of barbarism and goverment control of its population is pretty much the same.