Is it normal to have nightmares about virtual reality?

I am a long time gamer and avid watcher of Horror. I've never had a nightmare (that I remembered) involving the Horror games and movies I experienced. A month and a half ago I finally got my Oculus Rift. Playing horror games on that have given me some fairly sick nightmares. One involved a pack of giant wolves that were eating my legs. In the dream I couldn't feel my legs being eaten off, but I could feel the wolves fur just fine. Anyone else tried to play Dreadhalls and had this reaction?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Hey_you

    It is so normal to have a game or movie give you nightmares, that's why parents don't let their childeren watch horror movies, duh

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  • RoseIsabella

    Lay off the virtual reality video games. Real life is much more interactive. Find something positive to do that isn't numbing you out and basically hypnotizing you.

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  • Azaman


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  • riffraffy

    Horror and Porn are two genres especially well-suited for virtual reality. Just don't mix them together.

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  • mysistersshadow


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