Is it normal to have obe during intensive sex dreams?

Every time I have a sex dream, whenever I am overcome by an orgasm in my dream, I immediately feel lighter, and feel like I can float around my room. When I am back in my body, I attempt to get another orgasm, only to find myself repeating the same ordeal. Sometimes I'd hear a loud ringing in my ear, or an increased tingling sensation. Sometimes I feel like I can't move, so I know that part is sleep paralysis. But might any of you know what it is, and if you had it, what was your experience like? I have a theory that orgasms are very energetic, and the brain, being asleep, could be overwhelmed by this overload, so maybe it uses out of body experience, which feels like you're fainting, to protect the brain?

All of the Above 0
Sleep paralysis 0
Exploding Head Syndrome or minor seizure 0
Out of body experience or Astral projection 2
sleep-fainting 1
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Nickvey

    you never had an out of body experience, you are a lucid dreamer thats all nothing special and very typical. so quite happily i vote , none of the above.

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    • GreenGablesFan

      What did you mean when you said that I didn't have an out of body experience. What conditions must be met that I didn't describe to qualify as an OBE?

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  • Takuto

    If you're having a sex dream then it's likely you're still dreaming being light.
    Also explain why you thought it was 'Astral Projection'. How could the body ever do that?

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    • GreenGablesFan

      Well, what else would make me feel lightheaded in my sleep? I know the brain can give us weird sensations while dream. I felt like the sounds were muffled, or my heart was pounding, or things of that nature.

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