Is it normal to have period cramps that make you cry?

It wasn't until recently when my periods suddenly began to give me incredibly painful stomach cramps. My period took a 360 and I went from 'I'm so glad I don't get cramps' to 'Kill me now'. My periods also became irregular. Is this normal?

I'd like to think I have a decent pain tolerance...but the first day of my period always reduces me to tears unless I take a pill for it. Without a pill, I can't walk/stand/sit properly let alone sleep. This only lasts for a few hours on the first day, the rest of my period always goes by smoothly. Do other people actually go through this immense pain and if so how do you cope without medication?

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Based on 11 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Cannelle

    My sister use to have cramps so horrid she'd collapse to the floor screaming and crying, now she's on the shot. Instead I've decided to drink ginger tea, it helps cramps and nausea.

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    • Eek that sounds terrible. Thanks, I'll try some ginger tea next time!

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      • Cannelle

        My pain became similar to yours in it went from "not so bad" to as my friend calls it "pain of the century."

        If my cramps are worse than usual I usually end up taking 3 pain pills which holds out for four hours then drink some ginger tea. My pain tolerance is pretty bad so unforunately I can't make do without using pain pills, but ginger tea is definitely helped and limits my use of medication.

        For anyone else reading this here's some more helpful eases besides pills:

        1.) Ginger Tea
        2.) Heating Pads/Heat
        3.) Exercise
        4.) Cinnamon Tea
        5.) More vegetables, less fat
        6.) Peppermint Oil
        7.) Fish Oil/B1 Vitamins
        8.) Dark chocolate
        9.) Magnesium (fun fact: most Americans are magnesium deficient, this deficiency contributes to a whole slew of problems like horrible cramps!)
        10.) Drink plenty of water.

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  • Nickvey

    my dear lady , its so very possible you have developed what we in the know call endometriosis. the cure thus far is surgical. I'm not sure how one gets a diagnosis but i believe its an ultrasounding of the reproductive organs and surrounding tissue . have you in the past had a bout of clap as this would increase the odds.

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    • Ahh yes endometriosis, I've heard of it but since I've always heard women complaining about cramps, I've always just assumed what I'm experiencing is just a normal amount of pain. Also the idea of surgery isn't very appealing when I have my lovely pills.

      A... Bout of clap? I've never heard that term before but whatever it is, I probably haven't had it.

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  • IcecreamDogs

    Maybe drink some water, soak in some hot water, and eat some chocolate. Eating helps a lot too. Lay in bed if your stomach hurts. Don't stress yourself.

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    • Thank you! I'll try that. I tend to just lie in bed and sulk.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    My period is painful enough to make me vomit. Chocolate usually helps when I don't have pain pills.

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    • Thanks! I'll try some chocolate next time. I'm sorry to hear your period is so painful. :(

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  • leah-beth1997

    My period last 5 days. First day is unbelievable painful cramps but then the cramps are minimal after that. The second day is the heavy flow where I have to change my pad every hour.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    My wife gets so sick on her period she can't get out of bed. I feel so bad for her.

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