Is it normal to have pimples on your scalp?

I know it's common to get pimples in the hairline but I get pimples all over my scalp. Not all over as in everywhere at once. All over as in I can get them anywhere on my scalp. I know not all pus filled inflamed bumps are actually pimples so I guess they could be something else. It just makes sense that you would get pimples on your scalp since you can have a lot of oil and large hair follicles. I've just never heard of it happening to anyone else.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • bigol'dick

    I get them, too. The reason you never really hear about them is because a lot of people don't realize they have them. Most people have hair that cover them up. I know shampoo and conditioner residue can cause acne wherever your hair touches your skin. As for what to do about it, I don't know. I'm sure it would be a bad idea to use any kind of acne medicine up there. I would see a dermatologist.

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  • sugartits

    make sure they're not spider bites

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  • Fluffmodius

    Perfectly normal! The "grease" in your hair when you don't wash it for a while is the same natural oil on your skin that causes acne/pimples/spots/blackheads on your face and body.

    If it's not physically uncomfortable but you'd like to ease it try a shampoo with lemon, apple, or another mild acid (usually called "clarifying", or labelled for greasy hair), and either use a spray-on conditioner or apply normal stuff from a few inches away from your scalp and down to the ends of your hair.

    If it is physically uncomfortable, definitely see a doctor.

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  • Darktown_vs_Blackville

    It happens, i have it sometimes. Its called eczema

    You may be showering too frequently or too infrequently neither is good for the scalp. Use a shampoo for sensitive skin only

    Also be sure to get all ur vitamins and exercise

    Clean ur pillow sheets

    Wash ur fingernails clean everyday and try not to squeeze the pustules too much which might spread the bacteria and create more of them. But sometimes squeezing them feels good so its ok sometimes :)

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  • cocknballs

    no, you have aids

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