Is it normal to have police phobia?

I have a extreme phobia of the police. I haven't done anything wrong, but I believe that certain situations of my life helped to cause this fear.

When I was a younger my family made me paranoid about them. They told me that they bugged homes and I had to be careful with what I said and that our home could've even been bugged. My grandmother made it even worse. Once we were going in a store and there was a police officer. We started to talk to him and he was really nice. I asked my grandmother if he had a gun and she insisted that I asked him. I did and he said that it was only for bad guys. Then, my grandmother said that's why I better be good or else they would shoot me and that it didn't matter if I was a little kid or not. I started to cry and became afraid of the officer. He became furious with her and told her not to say those things. He tried to make me feel better, but I don't think it really worked and she told him that she was "joking".

Another occasion, we went to the police station for something and I asked my grandmother if they kept prisoners there. She told me to ask the guy behind the desk. He said that it was usually overnight and not for extremely serious crimes. Then, she said that I better be good or I would be locked up. It made me very upset and the man tried to correct her.

Over the years, my fear started to progress. It was strange I was told to "love" the police and that people who didn't were "bad. Then, I began to see why people were so scared of them. It used to be that my heart would start beating when I saw them, but now my whole body will tense up until it starts to hurt. A few years ago, the police were called to my house. There were so many of them and they made me feel so small and weak. I saw them as giants and there were about five or six of them. They scared me and invaded my space by asking allot of personal questions. When, they left, I was shaken and felt violated. I didn't want to leave my house and when I did my neighbors would sometimes stop what they were doing and stare at me... I was afraid to talk in fear that the neighbors would someone how hear and call the police. Even harder, was that I had to see my friends at camp and I was forbidden to tell them anything. It was very traumatic and it instilled the increasing fear that I have today...

Is any of this normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 123 votes (83 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • Nobody is more full of shit then a cop. Nobody.

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    • Karyyk

      They're up there, but I think preachers, politicians and lawyers give them a run for their money.

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      • They give them a run for their money, but a cop still beats them. To work a job where every single day you go in and literally either ruin someone's day (speeding ticket) or cause someone to lose their job because of (DUI) when they couldnt care less about those same laws they enforce is the basic definition of being a hypocrite. And whats worse is most of them will tell you to your face they dont pay attention to traffic laws, go out drinking with other cops and drive themselves home, etc.

        Dont ever be bullshitted by a cop about how hard the job is. They signed up to wear that badge and carry that gun around.

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        • Avant-Garde

          You're right, most of them abuse their power. They really make me sick.

          Allot of them arrest people or hurt them for no good reason and now they are using tasers into their revolting foray. I had one to stop someone and book them on my property! If they stop someone you'll see 3-5 different cop cars for a simple situation. They cause more harm then safety!

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      • Avant-Garde

        How true.

        Out of that list, I mostly fear preachers.

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  • Alison89

    I think it's normal to have a phobia for the reasons you described it. Early experiences can shape your mind for the rest of your life.

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    • Avant-Garde

      You're right.

      Most of my fears were cause by traumatic events when I was younger.

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      • Alison89

        Yeah, some parents really fail. So do teachers. I remember in the first grade being told that second graders who misbehave have to face a paddling machine. I wanted to go to a different school.

        Then there was that BS about the "permanent record."

        I'd hate to be a policeman. Can you imagine the number of times they have to be subjected to bad parenting like that?

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        • Avant-Garde

          I had a friend who wanted to be a policemen and the thought sent shivers up my spine.

          I ended up getting a guilt trip over what happened. I kept getting told of the horrors of foster care and that I could get someone much worse. Then, they kept freaking me out with the possibility of a "permanent record" and having to be a "delinquent".

          I admit it must be rather hard for them to deal with it. If it's not that then they don't react or they react too late.

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          • Alison89

            The guys I knew who wanted to be cops where the kind of guys who weren't fit to serve fries at a burger joint.

            I can't think of any phobias that I have that stem from my childhood, although there are some old people who give me the creeps and that's probably from childhood experiences.

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            • Avant-Garde

              My friend was one of the most logical people I know. So, hopefully he's doing his job right and not fucking up.

              Some old people scare me too. I once drowned and had a bad experience with swimming lessons and now I have a extreme phobia of water. I think allot of things can contribute to phobias.

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  • Kie3PO

    That is very abusive of your Grandmother to say things like that to you, your phobia is understandable.

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    • Avant-Garde

      There's something wrong with her. She's a terrible person.

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  • CardadmomThyme

    I have a fear of cops as well. To be honest mine is so severe that it anyone that looks like a cop (such as having some sort of security uniform) I start to shake violently. I especially hate it when I have to go through airports. I feel like all the security guards are watching me. I remember one time I began to have a small anxiety attack because two of them were talking then looked at me then I started to freak out and drop everything and I made a huge commotion that more of them looked at me. Once I got out I couldn't`t breathe and I could barley stand. However, for me I think this isn't normal because of how severe I have it..

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    where the hell were they when I needed them as a kid. I was a battered child both mental and physical. my father beat my every day of my young life and my step mother drove him to it.. it took me years to out grow some of the damage they did to me. the way I see it from my own experience is the police will break the law to carry out there own agenda. they don't care about anything but them selves. why else would you take a job hurting others. They are more then the new look of the brown shirts. ( just check your history on the movements of the Hitler people during ww2) they did the same thing as they are doing now all in the name of law and order. what they fail to add is that it is their law and order which is much different then what is right for the people and what we want.

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  • ch88ky

    No one likes the police as they don't do there jobs properly but I think you may be a bit OTT I'm not a fan on them as they take 1/2 - 3 hrs to turn up then say can't help but then the odd one of them are nice and do there job properly

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  • lukeuser

    You could always move to England. They don't normally have guns there :)

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    • Avant-Garde

      I have been considering this:)

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  • Ive been arrested several times and did a short stint in prison and my bad experiences with cops have made me fear them less for some reason lol...

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    • Avant-Garde

      I guess you know that you can handle whatever they throw your way.

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      • I just think..what choice do you have?

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  • Shackleford96

    That is terrible what your grandma did! Although, I must admit, I did laugh at the first thing you said about her telling you he would shoot you (sorry!)... It was shock laughter though, kind of. Anyway, I think you were traumatized and so because of that I'll say your paranoia of cops is normal. I would advise talking to a therapist about it if you can. Maybe that could help you understand some things you could do to make it better.

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    • Avant-Garde

      It's okay, I sometimes laugh at things out of shock:)

      My current therapist is crazy. So, it would be a bad idea to tell him.

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      • Shackleford96

        Why not try a different therapist then?

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        • Avant-Garde

          Trust me, I've tried.

          My family refuses and gets angry if I ask for a different one. He's nuts and is using them. He keeps trying to turn them against me.

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          • DarthLupine666

            He could easily, if the right people learned of this, have his license revoked and not be able to practice his "therapy" at all anymore. If you have some way of recording him for proof, then go to someone at school that you *can* trust, that would be my best advice, though if you're a minor they'll probably question your family about it... But this guy NEEDS to be punished and stopped.

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          • Shackleford96

            I'm sorry to hear that.

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  • Geneva5

    I think you want to bum the cops !

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    • Avant-Garde

      There's nothing sexy about cops:P

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