Is it normal to have prophetic dreams?

Like I'll have incredibly vivid dreams some nights depicting certain things that I go on to see in real life as time passes. Sometimes I'll see the same thing a couple nights in a row but like almost always it just super mundane.

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71% Normal
Based on 21 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • mathewdavis133

    yes, that is normal. I have had dream's of the "rapture of Christ".

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  • guest12345

    Yes, its normal. The human brain is the equivalent to a super computer. Able to process thoughts and make connections within meters per second. Add that to your subconscious off its leash when you are asleep and bam anything is possible. Dreams occur most often during Rem sleep (the deepest sleep cycle) and are an assortment of subconscious thoughts, memories, sounds, images, and other sensations. I believe that the brain is powerful enough to predict what will happen in a couple days because it knows you. it is you. It can already predict how you will act and feel in different situations. Oh kinda like how Dr. Strange in Infinity War used the time stone to see how many outcomes there would be to defeating Thanos. Remember when the special effects they used to show Dr. Strange was using the time stone to do that. Your brain can do that during that REM sleep. It would explain De ja vu and much more.

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    • SeekNPlay


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  • Annie25


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