Is it normal to have stomach pains like this?
I have uncomfortable stomach pains, gas, and cramps every day, and poop at least 3 times a day. I think it might be IBS but I never heard of anyone else going through what I experience, and I know it's not normal. The pain goes away after pooping but always comes back a few hours later. This is hurting the quality of my life. I'm afraid to leave my house unless I have to because I'm scared my stomach might act up. At work I can't concentrate or ever be happy. I try cutting down on what I eat and often skip lunch so that I feel lighter and emptier. It helps sometimes. I poop before bed but then I often have to poop again at like 3 in the morning. It's also affecting my sleep. I thought I had some kind of stomach virus but my doctor says this is all caused by stress, so he is completely unhelpful.