Is it normal to have strange thoughts?
Is it normal to have odd thoughts when you get into moods? Like, sometimes I'll feel uppity and happy, but I'm also very quick to anger. During these periods I smoke more cigars, am quicker to anger, and think strange thoughts.
Sometimes I think about stomping people to death because these thoughts usually bring me pleasure.
Occasionally I think odd paranoid thoughts, like thinking sharing my thoughts is dangerous and could turn the world into a dystopian hellhole, or thinking I was meant to die as a child and God is mad at me for not being dead and disrespecting fate.
Are these thoughts normal? If it helps, I was diagnosed Bipolar, but I think the doctor who did it was on some bullshit. Everyone in the ward got diagnosed with Bipolar, and when you're in a ward they pretty much scramble to medicate you, because they probably have to cover their asses in case you argue they didn't treat you or whatever. I doubt I'm actually bipolar but who knows? I'll never know because I don't believe what they tell me